I have returned to the “Land of Learning” aka college! I have my own room which is, for once, clean. With that being said, updates may begin to come slower as the semester continues. I will endeavor to keep posting as much as I can as my class schedule permits.
On another note, one of my sorority sisters has written a book!
I can’t wait to get my copy and have her sign it for me. I’m really excited for her, she worked really hard on it and now she’s released it for the whole world to enjoy. Congratulations, Laura! If you’d like, go over to Amazon and check it out. It’s a post apocalyptic/dystopian novel featuring zombies and a family that has carved out a new existence in the wake of a downfallen society.
That’s all for this short update as I have classes. What are you reading right now? Let me know by commenting!
Happy Reading!
The Book Nut
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