City of Ashes (Mortal Instruments #2) by Cassandra Clare
Release Date: March 25, 2008
Publisher: Margaret K. McElderry Books
453 Pages
Received: Borrowed finished copy from a friend, my own copy is in the mail.
Format: Paperback
Description: There’s a new normal for Clary Fray and there’s nothing normal about it. Her mother is in a magically induced coma and there’s a whole new world right before here eyes. Including a new handsome but oh so off limits brother. Even her relationship with her friend Simon is changing. On top of it all, someone is killing Downworlder children. And did I mention that her father is evil and almost certainly insane? Terrifying new people and new problems for Clary are beginning to make this whole new world a nightmare. This is the sequel to the vastly popular City of Bones.
**May contain spoilers!**
Review: I can’t believe it took me this long to get into this series. While City of Bones was enjoyable, I still felt it to be a little bit lacking. This book is vastly better than the first one. The characters are much more interesting, much of the shallowness is gone or at least covered up by engaging development. I am really starting to love Alec. The little moments we get from him make his character so wonderful, I want so much more of him!
Jace has become even more attractive as a character. You still feel some of his temptation regarding his father and the fact that he is tempted, just a little, makes him a better character. Considering the way people treat him after finding out who his father is. I’d be sulking too. Many critics call him brooding and maybe he is but would you feel that way if your life turned out the way his did? Sunshine and rainbows might be a tad inappropriate.
The plot of this installment is more gripping that the first. I was much more engaged it what was happening. One of my favorite elements of this world is the class structure in the Shadowhunter world. Even those Shadowhunter who are on the side of the Clave treat Downworlders as a lower class. The way these attitudes are portrayed is fascinating, maybe I’ll write my final literature project on it! I can’t wait for book three, I hear we get even more of it (nerd alert!).
This book earns its four stars! I couldn’t give it five, it’s not five star quality yet. The part that most bothered me was the Clary/Simon romance. For the purpose it was meant to have I’d say it succeeded but I just could not stomach it. It was annoying and made me want to skip through any part that mentioned it. It’s not a biased towards Jace, it’s an aversion to Simon as a love interest for anyone. But that’s a personal opinion and I doubt one shared by others.
What am I reading next? City of Glass, of course! Want to have a say in what I’m reading? There’s a post where you can help me pick! Vote for your favorite in the comments!
Happy Reading!
The Book Nut
Coming Soon….
City of Glass Review
Saw this post on booklikes.
Thats cool that you're doing this series as your senior literature project! I'm doing something similar. For my graduating thesis I have become an indie author where I must find new ways for indie authors to break into the book market! It's pretty cool so far! How is your project going?
Finished! It went very well and I got an A in that class. You thesis sounds really awesome!