The Fault In Our Stars by John Green

January 6, 2014     erinbook     Book review

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Release Date: January 10, 2012
Publisher: Dutton Books
313 Pages
Received: Signed copy in Limited Edition box set from Amazon (sadly no Hankler Fish or Yetis)
Format: Hardcover 


Description: Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.
Review: It took me far too long to pick up John Green’s books. Only recently did I decide that I was being a poor Nerdfighter by not doing it sooner. I don’t usually care for standard contemporary fiction. My tastes run from Sci-fi  fantasy to mystery and thriller. I started in the summer with Looking For Alaska and I really, really enjoyed it. This was the second John Green book that I tackled and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was as emotional as the hype said it would be. 
One of the parts of John Green’s writing that I really enjoy are the metaphors. There have been a few times during his books where I have gone “whoa, this guy is really intelligent”. Of course, being a Nerdfighter I already knew that but it’s nice to see that his books really support that. 
The one negative I have is one that I see in many books, not just in John Green or Young Adult novels. Many writers seem to have trouble with the writing of characters of the opposite sex. Some are better at it than others and for the most part, John Green is able to write a pretty realistic teenage girl. However, there are a few points, and they are not glaring errors, where Hazel does or says something that can make a female reader go “uh a girl would not say/do that” or “that’s a bit cliche”. Luckily, none of these few instances spoil the enjoyment of the novel. 
I really found myself enjoying this book  despite the fact that it’s part of a genre that I largely don’t care for. There are exceptions to every rule and apparently John Green is the big one here. This book is not just for Nerdfighters, it is a book that young adults and adults outside of the Nerdfighter community can enjoy as well. Just get ready to have a good cry, I freely admit that I sobbed at the end and I do not get emotional very often. Definitely a five star book.
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The Book Nut
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Clockwork Angel Review 

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