Article 5 (Article 5 #1) By Kristen Simmons
Release Date: January 31, 2012
Publisher: Tor Teen
362 Pages
Received: Library copy
Format: Hardcover
Description: The Bill of Rights has been revoked, and replaced with the Moral Statutes.
First, I found that the book moved far too fast. I like books that are fast paced but there has to be enough time to be able to establish setting and character and their relationships to each other. The characters moved from place to place so fast that very few of the settings really made any impact on them in a lasting way. Characters seemed to go “Yep, that happened, I was there, moving on” and forgot about it in the next scene.
The big problem with this book is that I really saw nothing to differentiate this dystopian for every other dystopian ever written. There was nothing at all that made this book stand apart. If I put this book in a pile with a bunch of other YA dystopians and had to identify what made each one different from every other dystopian, I could do it for almost all of them except this one. There is nothing that makes this book special at all, even the female protagonist is sort of boring. As a character she does nothing to make the book it’s own entity.
All in all the book was ok, it wasn’t a terrible read. The writing was solid even if it moved too fast. However, I could not ignore that the book had several very serious flaws. I want to continue the series in the hopes that book two might prove to be better than this first installment. Hopefully I will not find myself as disappointed as I was in this book, but if I am I’m not invested enough to be as upset as I would be if I were reading I series that I truly loved.
Have you read this series? What did you think? Leave a comment and let me know.
Happy Reading!
The Book Nut
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