On Recent Cover Reveals (#1)

February 16, 2014     erinbook     Uncategorized

There are few cover releases that really catch my eye. Unless I’m invested in a series I usually won’t give a cover reveal a second look however, these four covers actually made me look again and get really excited.  Let’s begin with the most anticipated of these covers…

I have always loved the Mortal Instruments covers. Granted, I have only read the first three books. My intent is to read books four and five right before the sixth comes out in order to be ready for the release. Still, I think these covers are beautiful and this one in particular stands out. I love the dark figure in the background contrasted with the lighter figure in the foreground. I love the fire and the cityscape behind and the color scheme of this art. Seeing this cover ramped up my excitement for the book release, without question!
This series I only just recently started. Also, this cover is a very recent release, within the last week I believe. I have always loved these covers, which is strange because I normally don’t like the single-girl-in-dress-on-cover thing that is so prevalent in YA covers. I make an exception for this series. The contrast of her fiery hair with the dark dress and dark background is striking. I think much that makes this cover different from the other girl-in-dress covers has to do with the backgrounds. They’re detailed and if you take the time to look close enough you can pick out a lot of really cool elements in them. This one in particular, I love the green rolling hills and what might the the edges of a forest or city in the distance. 
I have never given these covers much attention. I remember thinking that the cover of the first one was kind of cool but I didn’t really give it the credit it deserved. This one caught my eye immediately. The bright red paired with the black and grey of the palace, the white of the lettering, and the beautiful design of what looks like a phoenix pops and makes the eye stop to take another look. Admittedly, I am only just about to begin reading the first book in this series but this cover is making me so excited to get to this third book when it is released. My favorite part is the phoenix or maybe eagle that flies from the 
first word of the title.
The His Fair Assassin series has had my heart for a while, since I finished the first book Grave Mercy. Now that I’ve also finished Dark Triumph I am unbelievably excited about Mortal Heart, and this cover is amazing! The paleness of the girl’s skin is stark contrast to the dark brown and green of her dress. Also I was very excited that they went with green to follow the red and yellow of the first two books. The great thing about these covers is how they all come together as a series to look absolutely gorgeous and badass! Hopefully this book will live up to my excitement over the cover.
I am the type of person who is more interested in the book if the cover is awesome. I’ve picked up books before only because of the cover or spine design. And I know numerous other people who are the same way. These four covers are beautiful and I’m hoping that this is to be year of gorgeous covers. 
What are some of your favorite covers? Share your own thoughts in the comments. 
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