It’s time to talk about my bookish pet peeves again. Today I want to talk about something that has been bothering me since I started reading. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way: I really wish that publishers would clearly label the books in a series. Honestly, how hard is it to put a number on the spine of a book?

Not everyone instinctively knows where every book belongs in a series, especially if they have just become aware of it. One of the worst feelings a book lover can feel is when you accidentally buy a book out of order and then have to go searching for the one before it.

This especially becomes an issue with larger series, those with five books or more. I do not like to start reading a book only to find I am missing something because I have started in the middle of a series. A simple “This is the eleventh book in the Obnoxious Lovers series” on the cover would be enough or a number on the spine. Something to help us know which book goes where on our shelves.
What are your book pet peeves? Leave a comment and tell me what bothers you most.
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The Book Nut
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