I finally got my act together and created a new, unique rating system for The Book Nut.
Yep, they’re nuts, acorns to be precise! So this system will replace the stars but work the exact same way. They just have a bit more personality than the stars do, and they were really fun to make.
So look for these new nut ratings on the new reviews, I hope you like them. If there’s anything else that you would like to see on here then don’t hesitate to let me know!
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Awesome! How did you create them? I'd like to do something other than stars, but I haven't been able to think of anything for A BOOK VACATION.
Actually it was really easy. You find a piece of free clipart with what you want. Then I took one of my star rating ones and erased the stars, replacing them with my acorns by cutting and pasting in photoshop. You create half stars, or nuts, by just cutting it in half.
SWEET! Now if I only had an imagination. LOL!
What about using little plastic shovels? Vacation- beach- shovel, you know?