I think we all know people who really don’t get why we love books, and they really don’t try to. Some think our book obsession is a phase, others just call us nerds, then there are the ones that always have something to say. Here’s a few of the ones I’ve heard most often, with a little help from Martin Freeman to help me up the sass level of my responses.
1. How do you have so much time to read? Don’t you do fun stuff?
Reading IS fun. Sure I’ll go out with my friends (usually to book stores and such) but I love nothing more than to sit down with a book and a cup of tea. As for the first part of the question, I make time. It’s something important to me so I set aside time, even on busy days, to read a little.
2. You know if you got rid of all of those bookshelves then you’d have room to put [insert thing that person wants me to have].
I don’t want whatever it is. I want my books and my beautiful, perfectly organized book shelves.
3. Why don’t you just get a kindle?
a) Don’t get me started on Amazon right now. b) I love going into my home library and gazing at all of the beautiful spines and covers, I like the feel of the book in my hand, and I love the feeling of turning the pages. I have a nook but it just isn’t the same and I read so much slower on it than I do with physical copies.
4. You know, guys don’t think that reading and smart stuff is attractive.
5. Don’t you think that all the money you spend on books could go to something more important like [insert name of video game], [insert clothes brand], [insert makeup brand], or [insert list of movies].
6. Is that books good? When does the movie come out?
7. I really liked that book. Well, I didn’t actually read it but I [heard a celebrity talk about it/saw the movie/read the back of the book].
Wasted? What do you mean wasted? I finished two books, I was so productive!
9. Wait, you cried because of a book?
Yeah, so? It’s an emotional story with characters that I’ve become completely invested in. Don’t you cry when you see a sad movie? Then why can’t I cry during the sad part of a book?
10. Did you just smell/pet/hug that book?
Yes I did.
What have non book people said to you? Share them in the comments.
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Omg, I hate when people ask when I tear up–it's emotional and I have emotions. I'm preaching this post, girl!
By the way, Erin, I've just nominated you for the Liebster Award!
For more information just check out my post:
Oh wow, thank you. 🙂
I had a lady walk up to me when I was reading in a waiting room and ask "what my problem was". So rude.
I always get people complaining that I'm not listening to them. Of COURSE I'm not listening to you– I was reading! You'd think people would take a hint.
That happens to me all of the time! "Didn't you hear what I just said?" Um no, I was in a far away land. As in, far away from whatever conversation you were apparently having with yourself while I was reading. 🙂