Ok, so since I showed you all my YA section yesterday I figured it was time to show off the other half of my library. There’s kind of a lot, because I graduated from college with a degree in English lit and I love books, A lot. A lot a lot. 🙂 So, let’s start with what’s right next to my YA fantasy shelves.
Adult Science Fiction
Up on top are all of the bind- ups that go a long with the shelves below. I’ve got my Jurassic Park and H.P. Lovecraft leatherbounds from Barnes & Noble and some other collections up there next to the printer.
Below that is my TV companions and Science Fiction shelf. All of my Buffy/Angel, Star Trek, Torchwood, and Marvel novels live here. Also a bunch of my Neil Gaiman books ended up on this shelf, though really they don’t belong. If anyone has a suggestion as to where these guys could go let me know! This is also where the zombies hang out, hiding behind the big fat cat carving.
Adult Horror and Paranormal

Shelve two of this bookcase is the land of Stephen King. He has a few buddies on his shelf like The Lovely Bones and the original serials that the musical Sweeney Todd was based on.  Check out the big honking hardcover of Under the Dome in the corner there.
At the bottom are adult vampires with some witchy friends, aka Adult Paranormal. Anne Rice and Charlaine Harris pretty much rule this shelf under a vampire co-dictatorship. Their subjects Nora Roberts and Deborah Harkness secretly wish for their death. 🙂
Adult Fantasy Shelf #1

There is a practically embarrassing amount of fantasy in my library. So much that the adult side takes up two bookcases on its own. The top of this bookcase holds my collection of Adult ARC of all kinds. Also, two random books that I’ll probably be donating soon.
The top shelf is dedicated exclusively to my Tolkien collection. Also, another wooden cat. I wrote one of my major seminar papers on Lord of the Rings in college and reread the series every year. Tolkien nut in the house!
The middle shelf holds all of my mom’s David Eddings books, including the Belgariad. Also, my new Brandon Sanderson collection, lead by the awesome Mistborn Trilogy.
Once we reach the bottom shelf we get to my Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, etc..) and my massive Song of Ice and Fire hardcovers. Ok, they actually look kind of small next to Eragon and his ilk but trust me, they’re big. In the corner is a small portion of my mom’s Mercedes Lackey books.
Adult Fantasy Shelf #2

Welcome to the world of more freaking fantasy! Let’s just talk honorable mentions here because I doubt explanation is really necessary at this point.
Lev Grossman’s The Magicians Trilogy (the last one’s an ARC)
The Name of the Wind and Wise Man’s Fear by Patrick Rothfuss
Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern

Oh look, more fantasy! Holy Mercedes Lackey, Batman!
The Land of Mystery and Triller

More bind-ups! Look at that beautiful leatherbound Sherlock Holmes!

Two of my favorite shows have been Diagnosis Murder and Murder She Wrote. This is what happened when I discovered they had tie in novels. Plus my crazy Agatha Christie collection. I’m not sure where those JK Rowling books used to be but their living here until I make more space for them.
The second shelf is all cat mysteries. I’m not kidding. I’m really not.

The next shelf is pretty much random mystery that doesn’t belong anywhere else. You’ve got your Mary Higgins Clark, your hard boiled crime, and some more themed mystery that don’t belong to me. There’s really only one honorable mention here:
*Signed + Personalized* The End of Everything by Megan Abbott
Below that is my very small thriller section. I’ve got my Hannibal Lector and my Dan Brown books hiding down here. If anybody cares, all of the Robert Langdon series is in first editions. Because reasons.
The Classics

This is the top of the classics shelf. This is the home of my classic fairytale bind-ups and leatherbounds. The Tom Jones in the slipcase on the end is an antique. I love leatherbounds.

My classics shelf sits right next to the window, pardon the sunlight here. The very top shelf is for plays (on the left) and poetry (on the right). I have a signed Rita Dove collection and a play signed by its playwright that I was part of the cast of in high school.
Next is the shelf of American classic literature. There’s not nearly as much here as in my Brit Lit section, because, well the British classics are just better in my opinion.

On the very far left side of shelf 3 are my foreign classics, in English. There’s some French classics and some ancient world lit (think Iliad and Odyssey). The rest of that shelf, and the shelf below, consists entirely of my British classics collection. For one, I have every Jane Austen book you can think of.

This small section is my classics overflow. This sort of ended up being the Classic Sci-fi and dystopian section. Also Atonement, one of William Golding’s Sea Trilogy, and 12 Years a Slave. Five points to anyone who can guess what those last 3 have in common.
Adult Non-Fiction and Austen/Historical
Bottom of this bookcase is mostly dedicated to my collection of Austen variations. There’s my Pride an Prejudice and Zombies collection, my Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet (based off of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries), my Mr. and Mrs. Darcy Mysteries. You know, dorky stuff. At the very far end is the historical section, populated almost entirely by Philippa Gregory’s Boleyn series. There’s also a copy of the M*A*S*H novel sitting on top on the pile.
One shelf up is most of the non-fiction section, mostly biography and autobiography, but also a lot of Quirk’s guides and junk.
Adult Contemporary
Not very big because I’m not really a contemporary fan, this this where the Jodie Picoult and Cecila Ahern books make their home. Also my copy of Devil Wears Prada and my mom’s Rosamund Pilcher books. This shelf is half hidden behind a wall and difficult of get to so it sort of contains the less read books in the library.
The Land of Hidden Things
This shelf is in the living room and has doors to hide all sorts of stuff. The organization is simple:
Top shelf: mom’s stuff. Romance. Bleh.
Middle shelf: Mostly self published and mostly signed copies. Also, my writing books laying on their side.
Bottom shelf: wrestling autobiographies to the left, random non-fiction to your right.
The Shelf of Big Books
This shelf is up in my room. On the very top are coffee table books, making of the movie books, graphic novels, yearbooks, and Calvin and Hobbes.
The second shelf in the home of the Christmas books, which get to live downstairs for only one month a year.
On the bottom are all of my old kid’s books, at least the ones that were deemed good enough to keep.
So this is the end of the bookshelf tour, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Let me know if there’s something you want to know more about, I’d be happy to tell you.
Keep Reading!
I LOVE The Cat Who… mysteries! I would read them all of the time in school and now I'm slowly trying to collect them. I have only have 3 right now, mainly because I'm just getting them from yard sales and thrift stores (I love well loved, used books)
We have them all now. I'm pretty sure we got the whole set used. 🙂
I'm been dying to get my hands on The Magicians trilogy!! Reading this just makes the incentive to buy it greater 😀
Jess @ MyReadingDress
Do it! I loved most of the first one, there a bit of a boring section in the last third but it's worth powering through to the end.
What were your thoughts on JK Rowling's "Adult" books? I haven't taken the plunge as I don't want to not like them and then always remember those when reading HP.
I've only read Casual Vacancy. I liked it but it's definitely very different then what I was used to from her. It's slow and very shocking at first. You have to go in knowing that this is an adult book and will be nothing like Harry Potter.
I've heard only good things about her detective books.