Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme where we answer a question posed by Broke and the Bookish. Today’s topic is Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing This Year.

There are a lot or green and blue covers on this list. Look at all of the pretty!
What would you like to get this year? Share/link in the comments.
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Promise of Shadows has such a pretty cover! 🙂
I totally forgot about UNBOUND! I kind of need that one, too. Guess it'll be a gift certificate buy 🙂 Great picks!
Great picks! I read Incarnate years ago, but am going to re-read the whole series soon! I actually have Defy on my TBR list. Etiquette & Espionage is amazing- I highly recommend it.
Check out my TTT here!
Green and blue covers always seem to be my favorite. The Unbound was really good. I hope you enjoy it!
My Top Ten