People either like or hate Valentine’s Day. Most of the people who like it do so because they usually have someone to share the day with. Even though my fiancee’ and I have been together for several years (our Anniversary is a few days after Valentine’s Day actually, we have never been able to actually be together ON THE DAY ITSELF. Until this year.
Before I met my fiancee I never did the whole Valentine’s Day thing so I got my sweet kicks in my massive book collection. The following are 14 of my favorite Valentine’s Day reads.
The Fault In Our Stars– Ok yes, it’s a sad book. But the romance is sweet and beautiful AND I DON’T READ A LOT OF CONTEMPORARY!
Cruel Beauty- I’m in love with this book, it’s in my top ten favorites. Part of that is actually due to the romance!
The Winner’s Curse- Give me some Arin. Yes please.
The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet- I’ve always been a big fan of Lizzie/Darcy since the day I watched Colin Firth as Darcy in the A&E Pride and Prejudice mini series (I was 12). Since I know the original novel itself might be a hard read for some people, I chose my favorite adaptation, the book version of Youtube’s The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.
Grave Mercy- Another favorite book, another great romance.
Clockwork Prince– Though it’s the second book, Clockwork Prince has the best of the romances. Jem forever!
Fangirl– I love a good college romance!
The Geek’s Guide to Dating- A hilarious dating guide from the awesome Eric Smith!
Jane Austen Handbook- Jane Austen is the queen of romance . That is all.
Doon- Two very swoony Scottish men. Yep, that’s all you need to know. That’s all that matters.
Mortal Heart– The best romance of the 3 books, this is actually one of my favorite romances of ALL TIME.
Upside Down- I still haven’t read the last book in this series. I should probably do that.
The Mummy, Or Ramses the Damned- Warning, actual sex in the book. Also WHY CAN’T SHE WRITE MORE OF THESE?
Even in Paradise- A retelling of Brideshead Revisited, the romance in this book is better than the book it’s based on.
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