A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas

July 20, 2017     erinthebooknut     Book review

A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J MaasA Court of Wings and Ruin (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3) by Sarah J. Maas
Published by Bloomsbury USA Childrens on May 2nd 2017
Pages: 705

A nightmare, I’d told Tamlin. I was the nightmare.

Feyre has returned to the Spring Court, determined to gather information on Tamlin’s maneuverings and the invading king threatening to bring Prythian to its knees. But to do so she must play a deadly game of deceit—and one slip may spell doom not only for Feyre, but for her world as well. As war bears down upon them all, Feyre must decide who to trust amongst the dazzling and lethal High Lords—and hunt for allies in unexpected places.

4.5 Nuts

It’s over. How can it be over? I’m not ready, please say it isn’t so. Screw it, I’m reading it again. That’s pretty much how things went when I finished this book. The world was so beautiful, so rich, so wonderful that I wasn’t ready to put it behind me yet. So I put ACOWAR back on my shelf and started the entire thing over from book one. I dunno about you but I think that says enough about the world of ACOTAR to tell you how I feel. If not, then I shall continue.

First let me say this: Tamlin DOES NOT redeem himself. Nope, no, never. Just because the twatwaffle kind of sort of did a thing and EVENTUALLY RELUCTANTLY let her go does not mean he has done anything to change his character or his flaws. He is an obsessive, angry, traitorous piece of shit and he always will be.  End rant.

Rhys is a beautiful cinnamon roll and I forever adore him. Same for the inner circle, you all make me so happy. I want a pocket Night Court I can carry around. Feyre really comes into her own in this book. She has more control over her power and her status as High Lady. Though of course she makes mistakes, that’s what makes her such a great character.

Maas has always known how to make me cry. I don’t know how but this woman stomps all over my emotions, leaving me in a teary mess at the end of her books. In fact I told her so the last time I met her and she laughed. Evil, wonderful writers. Never change, Sarah. Her books are emotional roller coasters and if you’re not ready they can blindside you in a blink of the eye. And  I love it.

A criticism I’ve heard a lot about this book was that the ending seemed rushed. I don’t necessarily agree. I think a lot of detail was left out intentionally in preparation for the next set of books in this world. You can’t tell me that Maas didn’t plan for this, she most certainly did. She’s just waiting to show her hand. Mark my word, folks, Maas isn’t done with us yet. She has more hearts to break.

I loved this book. It doesn’t really meet the caliber of ACOMAF which for me was a nearly perfect book. However, it was a solid ending as well as a beginning for more stories in this world. She now has so many jumping off points with tons of potential and I’m excited to see where that goes.

I recommend this book for fantasy fans over the age of 16 as there is still quite a bit of sexiness in this book.

What’s you’re favorite Maas story? Share your thoughts in the comments.

From my shelf to yours,


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