Month: July 2017


DRAGONS OF NOVA BLOG TOUR – Review + Giveaway!

We are so happy to be part of the DRAGONS OF NOVA Book Tour!  Check out our review and don’t forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post! Title: THE DRAGONS OF NOVA (Loom Saga #2) Author: Elise Kova Pub. Date: July 11, 2017 Publisher: Keymaster Press Formats: Hardcover, eBook, audiobook Pages: 488 Find it: Amazon, B&N, TBD, iBooks, Goodreads   Cvareh returns […]

July 12, 2017

#ZodiacReadathon – wha..

#ZodiacReadathon – what does your zodiac sign say about your reading habits?

Are you as excited for the final book in the ZODIAC series by Romina Russell as we are?   This week we’re participating in the first book’s re-read, and figuring out what your Zodiac sign says about your reading habits! Here are the genres you’re most likely to love by Zodiac sign! (according to BUSTLE […]

July 11, 2017

A Court of Thorns and Roses ..

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas

4 Nuts When I started this series I thought nothing could be as good as Throne of Glass. And during the first half of this book I was right. I felt like I was reading two different books. First, the book with an insufferably annoying idiot. Second the book with the badass who is learning […]

July 10, 2017

An Interview with Gwen Katz ..

An Interview with Gwen Katz about Writing and Life.

  Tell us a bit about yourself!  I’m Gwen Katz and I hail from a house full of baby animals in Pasadena, CA. I was a chemist once upon a time, but now I write full-time. I can be easily identified at any gathering as the one with the crew cut and garrison cap who’s probably getting in […]

July 7, 2017

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

4 Nuts I loved the Artemis Fowl books as a kid. I got each one in hardcover as they came out and to this day own first editions of each one. Yeah, I’m that kind of a nerd. Still, It’s been a while since I’ve read them so I decided it was time for a […]

July 5, 2017

Fantastic Beasts and Where t..

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander (JK Rowling)

4.5 Nuts This is going to be a strange review. I have read/listened to several versions of this book at this point. Therefore I will comment on them in order. First the original version as originally released, then the updated parts, and finally the narrated version by actor Eddie Redmayne. Cool? Good. I got my […]

July 3, 2017

A Conjuring of Light by VE S..

A Conjuring of Light by VE Schwab *Light Spoilers*

5 Nuts SPOILERS! “I don’t want it to over!” “Please tell me it’s not over!” These were my first thoughts after my audiobook of A CONJURING OF LIGHT was finished. I shut down Overdrive and sat on my bed thinking about what I had just experienced. I loved this book. When I said I thought […]

July 2, 2017

Bunnicula by James Howe

Bunnicula by James Howe

3.5 Nuts This book is a classic for me. It defined my childhood reading tastes, I can’t tell you how many times I listened to the audiobook narrated by Victor Garber as a child, laughing at how sarcastic Chester’s voice was rendered on an old fashioned cassette tape. Yeah, I’m old. I remember cassette tapes. Many […]

July 1, 2017
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