Published by Tarcherperigee on September 5th 2017
Pages: 192
An insightful, supportive and creative journal for anyone who can't turn off their restless minds when the lights go out An engaging and emotionally aware resource for night owls, insomniacs, and anyone else who finds themselves awake at all hours, The Nocturnal Journal will help you explore what keeps you up at night, and why. Prompts and illustrations tease out the pressing thoughts, deep questions, everyday anxieties, and half-formed creative ideas that need unpacking and exploring, bringing more peace of mind and a richer understanding of ourselves.
4 Nuts
If you’ve got an overactive anxious brain like me, sometimes sleeping is hard. You mind won’t shut up no matter how tired your body is and you kinda want to strangle it until it shuts up. No? Just me? I hope not.
For minds like mine there is Nocturnal Journal, one of the many interactive book journal things from Tarcher Perigee. This little beauty is designed to explore all those little thoughts keeping you awake at night so you can get them on paper and go the fuck to sleep.
I really enjoyed this little journal. My mind is a creative wind storm of thoughts, ideas and worries. This book has places for all of those. Worried about something? Write it down. Have an idea? Write it down? Need to color or doodle for a minute? Here you go! Just need a distraction? There’s a page for that too.
The one problem I had with this book is that it is perhaps a bit too interesting. When you’re goal is to help me go to sleep maybe don’t make a book journal that I’ll want to complete all in one go? It’s very easy to forget what time it is while working on your Nocturnal Journal and fall down the proverbial rabbit hole.
I do recommend this book though. The pages are really well put together and engaging, leading an overactive brain into just getting to the point already so sleep can finally come. It’s also kind of fun to work on when you’re not trying to sleep, though I’m not sure if that’s intentional.
I really enjoy these Tarcher Pergiee journals and if you’re looking for more check out Adult-ish and You’re Weird, also from Tarcher.
What is your favorite interactive journal book? Share in the comments.
From my shelf to yours,
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