…Is that it’s fucking complicated
Hi I’m Erin and I hate Edelweiss.
Of the ways to get ebooks from publishers, Edelweiss is my least favorite. Honestly, the thing is just a giant pain in the ass. I hate the format, I hate the search function, it’s one of the least intuitive websites ever, I could go on forever.
But let’s get into these reasons one by one.
The web design is terrible.
God I hate trying to navigate Edelweiss. Granted, it has gotten much better since the update but it’s still generally terrible. I don’t like the look, I don’t like how difficult it is to find stuff, I find it to be completely not worth all the effort I put into messing around on it.
I never get anything from it.
Ok, not never. I’ve gotten a few books on Edelweiss. But in general it just seems impossible to get approved for anything on Edelweiss. Maybe this is because I don’t really understand how the site works, because it is a giant freaking mess of a website.
There are a lot more popular titles on Edelweiss than Netgalley. Harper in particular puts all its good ebooks up on Edelweiss. Not that anyone actually gets approved for them.
So here’s the few do’s and don’ts I’ve learned while trying to understand Edelweiss:
- Review the titles you get approved for.
- Review other titles you’ve read, it might help you get approved.
- Keep track of what you request
- Request books you won’t read.
- Beg in your messages to publishers, it’s rude.
Honestly, I don’t have many suggestions for this one. I don’t use the site anymore, it’s just much too annoying for me to bother with. For me, I’ll stick with Netgalley.
What is your favorite bookish site or app for bloggers? Share in the comments.
From my shelf to yours,
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