Yo it’s tag time again! I can’t help myself, I love doing tags and holiday tags are among my favorites. So I found this beauty here. Feel free to go check out the original and do this tag yourself. You can even link to it in the comments.
Now without further ado, it’s time for the Christmas Song Book Tag, let’s begin.
1. “You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch”: Name a villainous character you couldn’t help but love.
I feel like everyone knows what my answer is going to be here but my all time most beloved villain is The Darkling from The Shadow and Bone Trilogy.
He’s my precious evil baby.
2. “All I Want for Christmas is You”: Which book to you most hope to see under your Christmas tree?
Hmmm maybe an ARC of Heart of Iron? But for something someone could buy for me….
Meddling Kids sounds freaking awesome. I love Scooby Doo with all my heart and soul so this book needs to be mine like yesterday.
3. “Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”: Name a character that overcomes major obstacles and learns to believe in themselves.
Elisa from The Girl of Fire and Thorns, the MC from Long May She Reign, there are so many.
4. “Santa Claus is Coming to Town”: a) Which character do you think would be on the top of the naughty list?
b) Which character do you think would be at the top of the nice list?
A) Um probably Voldemort? Also Queen Levanna from the Lunar Chronicles and Maven from Red Queen.
B) Dorian Havillard, Percy Jackson, Peeta Mellark, Hermione Granger, way too many lady MC’s to count.
5. “Frosty the Snowman”: Which book just melts your heart.
Alucard and Rhy, nuff said. Alucard is just so decent, and Rhys is just a sweetie anyway.
6. “Feliz Navidad”: Choose a book that takes place in a country other than your own.
Um like every fantasy I own?
So many here, Hungary, England, Austria. This book is all over Europe.
7. “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year”: Which holiday themed book do you use to spread the Christmas joy.
I like to reread all of the Christmas bits at Hogwarts in Harry Potter. I can practically smell the food, see the Great Hall. It’s pure magic.
8. “Sleigh Ride”: Which fictional character would you choose to spend the holidays with (doesn’t have to be a love interest!)
Morrigan from ACOMAF/WAR. I feel like Mor and I would be great friends. She would be a blast to hang out with and kick ass with.
9. “Baby it’s Cold Outside”: Which book that you didn’t like would you sacrifice to a fire to warm yourself up in the cold?
Um anything Twilight? But also this bitch…
It could be the Book on Fire!
10. “Do you hear what I hear”: Which book do you think everyone should read?
The Forgetting AND The Knowing. Gotta read both, because YAAAAASSS.
Welp, that’s the tag. Link me to yours in the comments and let me know what you thought.
From my shelf to yours,
[…] I was searching for book tags and I found this one about Christmas songs. I have been listening to Christmas since November started. Yes, pretty much since then. So, I thought I could answer this tag! I found this tag here. […]
[…] first week; they’re just so fun and easy to put together. This particular one comes courtesy of Book Loving Nut, so make sure you check out their blog […]
[…] The original post is no longer available. I found this on The Book Nut. […]
[…] i za neke nove i definitivno mi je još malo produžio praznični duh. Pronašla sam ga na blogu Book Loving Nut i sva srećna ga popunila – ove godine me zaista drži neka […]
[…] I found this tag at The Book Nut. […]
[…] year’s blog posts with something fun?” And I found this Christmas Song book tag over on The Book Nut. I didn’t do all of them, but definitely check out the link if you wanted to see all the […]