Month: June 2021

90’s Movie Challenge T..

90’s Movie Challenge Tag

Oh hey! it’s another 90’s tag! This one actually has a source. It was created by A Book Lovers Playlist. So once again for all you 90’s kids out there, this one is for you! SHE’S ALL THAT NAME A BOOK COUPLE THAT ARE AN ODD PAIRING BUT THEY STILL FIT PERFECTLY Don’t shoot me but […]

June 26, 2021

3 Bookish Things Book Tag

3 Bookish Things Book Tag

It’s time for another tag! This tag was found on Kristin Kraves Books  and sadly I cannot find who originally created it. You guys really gotta take credit for these things so I can link you! So basically this post will be 3 things in each category. Awaaaay we go!   3 READ ONCE AND […]

June 26, 2021

90’s Cartoon Book Tag

90’s Cartoon Book Tag

I’m a 90’s kid for sure so when I saw this tag I knew I’d have to do it. It was created by Ben Sanders, who is a booktuber. So for all the 90s babies out there, this one is for you….   RUGRATS FIND A BOOK THAT IS A NOSTALGIC READ. I was never able […]

June 25, 2021

20 Questions Book Tag

20 Questions Book Tag

It’s been a while since I’ve done a book tag. Honestly it’s been a while since I’ve posted a lot of things. on here. But I’m back and read to do some tags! This particular one I found on Paper Fury’s blog but I have no clue who the original poster was. So here we […]

June 25, 2021

Defy or Defend by Gail Carri..

Defy or Defend by Gail Carriger

DEFY OF DEFEND (Delightfully Deadly #2) The Universe I have a few books or series that I go back to when I can’t figure out what else to read. They’re a sort of happy place, a familiar world that calms me. At the very top of this list sits Gail Carriger and pretty much everything […]

June 23, 2021

A Court of Silver Flames by ..

A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas

+1   I doubt my rating here is a surprise to anyone. A large population of the book world love Maas and her writing, especially when it comes to this particular series. That said, this rating is not based purely on that fact. No this book earned it purely on its own merit and on […]

June 22, 2021

Crown of Gilded Bones by Jen..

Crown of Gilded Bones by Jennifer L Armentrout

  This book deserves 10 freaking nuts. Ho-ly shit. I’m not one to spend over $20 on a single book but I finished THE CROWN OF GILDED BONES and immediately bought all 3 hardcovers for $29 a piece. It’s that good. It’s so good in fact that I also preordered the first book in the […]

June 22, 2021

Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by..

Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L Armentrout

  How many books have you read a book where you put it down after completing and waste no time picking up the next? No breather, no moment to consider, just grabbing the next to continue on the saga without interruption? That was me after reading FROM BLOOD AND ASH. I finished my audiobook, put […]

June 22, 2021


Review: FROM BLOOD AND ASH by Jennifer L Armentrout

When I tell you guys I haven’t read a book like this in a long time I’m dead serious. You have your good books, the ones you like and will read again if the mood strikes you. You also have your great books, the ones you reread fairly often because they make you happy and […]

June 16, 2021