Author: laurathebibliophile

Let’s Talk About Writing G..

Being a reader and a writer is hard work sometimes. I often wish that my next book was already written and I could just read it, but tragically, procrastination does not result in finished work. How many of you have struggled with wanting to read your story more than wanting to write it? As a […]

January 5, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! My resolution this year is to read 52 books, and also to stop neglecting this blog so much. This past year, I welcomed my baby nephew into my house and did all my coursework to earn my CDA, which I will have very soon. So you can imagine I was ridiculously busy. […]

January 2, 2020

Review: An Enchantment of Ra..

First, a note: if you know me at all, you know that putting the word “Ravens” on anything is going to get my attention. Ravens are beautiful, intelligent, and they remind me of Edgar Allan Poe. I’m going to the Pickerington Public Library Young Adult Book Festival in October, and I realized that I hadn’t […]

September 14, 2018

Review: The Outcast by Taran..

Review: The Outcast by Taran Matharu

I got this book from none other than Erin this spring, back when we went to RocTBF, and once I started reading it, I couldn’t put it down. I knew I would like the series as son as I attended Matharu’s panel, because all the influences listed were things I love— things like the battle […]

July 22, 2018

Laura’s Summer TBR

I know that right now the world is muddy and gross and it is always either too hot or too cold for comfort. Everyone’s allergies are acting up and all I want to do is curl up with a book and read. Ah, spring. Soon, though, it will warm up. The sun will come out […]

May 17, 2018

Review: The Truth is a Cave ..

Review: The Truth is a Cave in the Black Mountains by Neil Gaiman

I like to break up my reading list with a graphic novel here and there. I love looking at the art while I read, and I feel that it is an underappreciated category of books. This one was amazing. I love Neil Gaiman’s work, so I knew that I would probably enjoy it, but I […]

May 14, 2018

Review: Counteract by Tracy ..

Review: Counteract by Tracy Lawson

Hey, all! Last weekend, Erin and I went to the Ohioana Book Festival in Columbus, which was incredible. While there, we got to meet many fantastic Ohio authors, one of whom was Tracy Lawson. I missed her table at first, but then I caught sight of it and was drawn in. The books she had […]

April 19, 2018

Review: The Girl With All th..

Review: The Girl With All the Gifts

SPOILERS If you are into sci-fi, or adventures, or horror, or multiple POV… read this book. I originally started the audiobook without reading a long description. I thought I was in for some light magical realism, but wow. I was not. I listened to this book in my car back when I had a longer […]

April 17, 2018

Book Review: A Court of Wing..

Book Review: A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas

I have now read through this series twice, and I adore it. All my favorite books are the ones where I discover more and more each time I read them, and this series definitely falls into that category. CHARACTERS  The characters keep evolving and building through this series, which I appreciate. Many of the things […]

April 17, 2018

Ohioana at Last!

Ohioana at Last!

Hey, all! Erin and I have been trying to go to the Ohioana Book Festival for the last few years, and this year we finally made it! We drove through rain on our way to Columbus, but luckily it was clear skies for the start of the festival. We arrived a little late due to […]

April 14, 2018