Category: Feature

Product Review: Nook App

Product Review: Nook App

Before I had a decent tablet I did most of my ebook reading on my phone. Two apps made up the bulk of my books, Barnes and Noble’s Nook and Amazon’s Kindle. Of the two I always preferred Nook. The Nook app is the better crafted of the two. Rather than the irritating carousel of […]

September 7, 2017

Discussion: Fantasy- Not All..

Discussion: Fantasy- Not All Created Equal

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE fantasy. It’s the genre I pretty much live in and I sprinkle in other genres as my mood demands. The thing is FANTASY is an all encompassing term people use for a bunch of different kinds of stories under that banner, but they are not all the same. […]

September 4, 2017
1 Comment

Identifying Advance Reader C..

Identifying Advance Reader Copies (ARCs): A Guide for Readers and Used Booksellers

Alright, we’ve got to talk about a thing here. Every time I walk into a used bookstore or a Goodwill I see tons of ARCs for sale. A few places don’t care and earn a permanent side eye from me. Others have told me that they were unaware of what arcs were and had no […]

August 25, 2017

Useful Posts for Readers and..

Useful Posts for Readers and Bloggers

The following links encompass posts written here at The Book Nut as well as others that I personally have found useful in the past. It is by no means a complete list. If there are posts you have found useful as a reader or as a blogger or that you yourself have written please leave […]

June 23, 2017

Places to Go: Rochester Teen..

Places to Go: Rochester Teen Book Festival

Every May there is one place you’ll find me, without fail. Going on 4 years now myself and a couple of friends make the 5 hour trek from Ohio to New York to the Rochester Teen Book Festival. 3 of those years co-blogger Laura has accompanied me. This is the first year we’re going just […]

May 18, 2017

OAAA 2017 Recap

OAAA 2017 Recap

And so we come to the end of another year of OAAA. The giveaway will soon close, prizes distributed, and another one will be in the books. I hope you all enjoyed this year’s offerings. To my old veterans, thank you so much for coming back again and again. To my new friends it has […]

April 28, 2017

Places to Go: The Book Barn-..

Places to Go: The Book Barn- Niantic, CT

Let’s go a little out of my home zone here today. Welcome to Niantic, CT home of 4, that’s right 4, used bookstores under the umbrella title The Book Barn. All 4 locations sit on the same stretch of road a little ways apart. The biggest and first location (The Main Barn + outbuildings), Midtown, […]

March 16, 2017

Tips and Tricks: Used Bookst..

Tips and Tricks: Used Bookstore Browsing

Used Bookstore Browsing You walk into a used bookstore and what do you see? Rows upon rows of books of all shapes and sizes, often mushed together in narrow isles. Sometimes not as well organized as an indie or retail bookstore would be and definitely not as well staffed. How does one navigate such a […]

February 23, 2017

Tips and Tricks: Bookish ..

Tips and Tricks: Bookish “Spring Cleaning”

“Spring Cleaning” Every year I put my shelves through a rigorous “spring cleaning” process. Some years I only get rid of a few things, this year I got rid of over 100. It depends on mood, what I have, and what I’ve read that year. Some years, like the last 2 or three, I do […]

February 22, 2017

Discussion: Buying Decisions

Discussion: Buying Decisions

How do you decide what to buy? The answer to this question is different for everyone. Do you base it just on reviews? On social media chatter and word of mouth? On description? On whether you’ve already read an arc? There’s tons of ways to do it. But me? Ive got a process. Preorders:  This […]

February 22, 2017