Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews in which we share the books and bookish things we have bought, borrowed, or were sent. I’ve had another big week so let’s get started!
The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (The Bookshelf Used Books)
Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card (The Bookshelf)
Seekers by William Nicholson (The Bookshelf)
The Merlin Conspiracy British Edition by Diana Wynne Jones (The Bookshelf)
The Silmarillion by JRR Tolkien (The Bookshelf)
The Silmarillion is actually a replacement copy for an older mass market paperback. This one has a much prettier cover.
Marvel’s Civil War by Stuart Moore (The Bookshelf)
Archetype by M.D. Waters (The Bookshelf)
The King’s Speech by Mark Logue and Peter Conradi (Goodwill)
Giada’s Family Dinners by Giada de Laurentiis (The Bookshelf)
(2) Nick and Tesla’s Super-Cyborg Gadget Glove (from Quirk Books, who wants one?)
*signed* Geek’s Guide to Dating by Eric Smith (from Quirk Books, already reviewed)
Doctor Who: The Blood Cell by James Goss (from Crown)
I Want It That Way (with signed book plate) by Ann Aguirre (won from Ann Aguirre)
Rogue by Gina Damico (B&N)
Even in Paradise by Chelsey Philpot (sent from publisher)
Hit by Lorie Ann Grover (from Lorie’s Street Team)
Afterworlds with deleted scene by Scott Westerfeld (B&N)
Curtsies and Conspiracies by Gail Carriger (Netgalley)
Waistcoats and Weaponry by Gail Carriger (Netgalley)
Sideswiped by Lia Riley (Netgalley)
The Empyrean Key by JL Tomlinson (from author)
Reading Gives You Superpowers tote bag (won)
(2) Hit posters (from Street Team)
Michelle Madow bookmarks (sent by author for giveaways)
*signed* Ann Aguirre bookmark (from author)
Various swag (from Cheyanne Young)
What looks most interesting to you? What did you get this week? Share in the comments!
Keep Reading!
New follower, hi! I got Afterworlds this week too, although I have the UK edition with the most awesome spine ever. Our covers are usually worse than the US ones, so I'm allowed to gloat a little…
I'm trying to read more classic and cult classics, and you've reminded me of two – Ender's Game and The Bell Jar! *runs to goodreads to add*
That's funny because often I say that the UK covers are better. Sometimes when I really hate ours I get the UK cover from Book Depository. 🙂 I actually love both versions of the cover this time, which rarely happens.
You got some interesting books this week. I actually ordered a UK cover from Book Depository and they gave me the US cover. Wasn't happy. Yet you got some amazing looking reading ahead of you.
Grace @ Books of Love
Oh I hate it when that happens, usually they'll replace it though. Or they have for me.
Holy wow, lots of good stuff. I have the Captain Underpants bag! I just used it to bring some stuff to work not too long ago! LOL! Enjoy and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I love that bag, I'm going to get it signed in November.
Ooh! Did Afterworlds release? Cool! Nice haul. Thanks for stopping by mine.
Haha I only realized it was out when I saw it in stores and I was only halfway through the eARC. I read physical books much faster so I just bought the hardcover.
OMG, SO MANY GREAT BOOKS! I've been wanting to read the Bell Jar, I Want It That Way and Afterworlds. Hope you enjoy reading them 😀
Laquesha @ BookLover2.0
I'm half way through Afterworlds, but it's a monster so it's taking a while. Thanks for the visit.
I really want to read Even in Paradise and I want it that Way. Have you read Howls Moving Castle? Such a good book and I adore the anime movie even though it's different from book. Nice haul!
Mimi @M&EM Read YA
I own Howl's but I haven't read it. I love the movie too but I know it's different.
I just bought Afterworlds myself. I hope it's good. It'll be my first Scott Westerfeld read. And I'm jealous that you have I Want it That Way. Great haul!
You haven't read Uglies? Oh I hope you love his writing! I do.
I kind of in love with Ann Aguirre's books so I'm excited! Thanks for the visit. 🙂
I've been hearing a lot of good things about Afterworlds but I'm not sure if I'm going to buy it or not. Great Haul I hope you enjoy it.
Paulina @ The Little Book Pixie.
I love it so far but it's freaking huge!
Thanks for stopping by.
Woot! I know I already told you think on Instagram, but yey Archetype 😀
I'm all excited for it now!
I got "I Want It That Way" too 🙂 I am almost done actually! And I am pretty curious about Even in Paradise. Afterworlds.. it is so, so big! I think I may wait to read a few more reviews before buying it!
Such a great haul, hope you enjoy them all!
Are you liking it? I don't usually read that sort of thing. I'm loving Afterworlds though.
I don't think I've read any of these! And I also got Madow bookmarks! I gave them away at the Baltimore Book Festival 😀 I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
Yeah, I'm going to take some to Buckeye Book Fair. Some will go in swag packs here on the blog.
Great haul! I love you review of The Geek's Guide to Dating, it sounds like something I would love (and totally relate to!).
Thanks for stopping by my StS!
Definitely check it out! Thanks for stopping by.
Aaah the Civil War novelisation? I don't think I could stand to read it! Civil War: Iron Man actually made me cry. Such an evil Marvel event! Hope you enjoy the new books.
Civil War: Iron Man broke me, but I loved it. When I saw the novelization I had to have it.
Great haul! I'm especially keen to read The King's Speech, I adored the movie so I think I'll have to give it a shot 🙂
That was pretty much my thinking when I got it. 🙂
I bought the 50th Anniversary cover of The Bell Jar not so long ago. Really enjoyed Afterworlds, though I preferred one half over the other. Happy reading! 🙂
Here's mine
Kirsty @ StudioReads
I think with intertwining stories people often prefer one over the other. Can't be helped really. Which half did you prefer?
I recently replaced my Lord of the Rings books for better covers which was nice AND got a set of new Harry Potter covers which was a buzz! Sometimes a nice new cover for an old favourite is required. Enjoy your books!
I want the new Harry Potter boxed set! They're so pretty. I'd keep my originals too, of course. Right now I'm collecting UK editions of Harry Potter though.
I finished reading Belzhar last week, and I wish I had a copy of the Bell Jar! I really would like to read that one soon…
Great haul, enjoy them all!!!
I love Sylvia Plath. Bell Jar is really easy to find at goodwills and thrift stores.
What a great collection of books! So diverse!
My library is pretty diverse.
Seeker and I want it that way looks good, hope you enjoy and have a great week.
They do! I read a couple pages of Seeker, it looks like it'll be good.
Yay for Sideswiped, can't wait to see how that series continues. Archetype and I Want It that Way are also on my TBR. So many awesome new books! Happy reading 🙂
I'm so freaking stoked! I'm slowly getting into NA, slowly and tentatively.
If you are looking to donate the Nick and Tesla books Celeste Pewter on Twitter was collecting books for an inner-city "kids need books" program. I sent the two N&T books I had to her. I can ask if she is still taking donations. I could kick myself for not requesting Afterworlds on EW because my feature co-host read it and said I would have loved it. The Bell Jar is stellar, I think my old paperback is kicking around here somewhere. The Silmarillion I have in hardcover. I bought it at a used bookstore and if I am not mistaken, it was issued by a mailorder book of the month type thing; it still has its dust cover. It is one of those Tolkien "extras" I have that I have never read. This week I received a signed special issue of The Body Electric I won from Beth Revis, plus swag (I am still waiting on my signed Across thhe Universe trilogy from that giveaway), and a signed Of Breakable Things from Amy Rolland. She made me cry because not only did she go one step further and personalize it to me, with a little message, she sent me one of her last special author issue prints and wrote me a letter. I was very lucky this week with book mail. 🙂
Awww that's so awesome! Beth Revis is so cool.
Read Silmarillion! Or if nothing else the story of Beren and Luthien, they sing about them in LOTR but the story is much bigger than that song.
Yes, check if Celeste is still taking donations! I have 3 freaking copies of that particular N&T book so I can donate one, give away one, and keep one.
I will do both!
So much awesomeness here! Happy reading and I hope you'll enjoy them all! 🙂
Oh thanks. 🙂 I hope so too.
The only Orson Scott Card I've read is The Enchanment which I really loved. I don't think I'll be back for more though.
You did have a book-filled week! Awesome. Thank you for stopping by my stack 🙂
I won't buy his books unless they're used, mostly because I don't want to give him my money.
WOW, so many great books you got this week!! How will you ever decide which one to read first…lol??? I hope you enjoy all of them!
Thanks for stopping by my STS @ Addicted Readers!: )
I have no freaking idea. By release date for the arcs and then….who knows.
Ooh, great haul! I'm reading Afterworlds right now and it's pretty good. 🙂
I hope you love it! I gave it 4 nuts in my review.
So. Many. Books. You know, I've had Rogue since the week it came out and still haven't read it! I love that series so much, too.
I hope you love all of your books, and are having a wonderful week!
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
I haven't read any of them but my mom adores the series. Gotta get on that…