Raise your hand if you use tumblr. Now keep your hand up if you knew that there was an equivalent platform for books. It’s called BookLikes, and it’s awesome. I think of it as if Goodreads and tumblr had a baby, the result would be BookLikes! Like tumblr, BookLikes is a micro blogging platform, but for book related things. My favorite thing about it? Well I have a few:
- Quirk Books has one of the best BookLikes pages that you could follow, and they always post entertaining things.
- BookLikes has reading challenge and shelving features.
- I’ve linked my BookLikes to my facebook, making it easier to share things.
- They have awesome giveaways!
- Share awesome things you find.
- Follow Quirk’s page.
- Find like-minded micro bloggers.
- Comment and join in with the community.
- Post your own giveaways!
- Use the platform only for the giveaways. No one likes the guy that’s only there for free stuff.
- Spam people. It’s rude.
What book sites do you like, other than the obvious Goodreads? Share in the comments.
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Oh BookLikes, I feel so conflicted! I tried it out when it first opened because Goodreads had burned bridges, but then its weird catalogue problems and not having books listed very soon made it hard when I was reading ARCs D: I keep meaning to go back and try out the new features, but omg time is what I fail at these days, haha!
It's gotten so much better! They get books up pretty fast now, and the new features rock. I love the reblogging aspect.
Thanks so much, you made our day 🙂
@Anya: I'll be happy to help. If you have questions, concerns or need an assistance, don't hesitate and let me know at kate @ booklikes.com. Hope to CU on BL!
You're welcome! It's my pleasure.
I hadn't heard of Book Likes before this. I have seen a couple of other specifically book related sites mentioned here an there in my blog wanderings, one has Library in the title, but even though I hate that Goodreads doesn't have half stars, and let's people rate books before they have read them, it seems to be working okay for me right now, and I know I am reaching a lot of people via GR. My feature co-host and I think we have also figured out that Netgalley leans heavily on GR numbers when approving eARCs. Time is a real factor with me between my work, reading, volunteering, blog, Twitter, Facebook Harry Potter pages, and Tumblr, so I like to keep things multi-tasking for me like with Tumblr. On Tumblr I can not only do the basic book "stuff", but also see what the authors are into in their personal lives as far as politics, social awareness, things like art and home decor, and pets. I find great gifs for my blog, Biochemistry info for my son, and stalk my favorite male model Miles Mcmillan. I didn't like Tumblr at first, infact I kind of slammed it in an Armchair BEA post, but that was before I really knew how to use it. I do, however, love Quirk Books, so I will be checking out the Book Likes site for sure. Thank-you for the heads-up. 🙂
Also, I have not seen the term micro blogger before can you tell me what that is? Thanks. 🙂
1. You're thinking of LibraryThing. I can' write a post about them if you'd like.
2. BookLikes does half stars!
3. The thing I like about BookLikes is that you can connect it to your social media so it automatically posts, say, to your facebook. Like tumblr, you can reblog other people's posts as well. There's a bunch of authors (though maybe not the big, super popular ones) on there and Quirk Books sets up amazing giveaways on the giveaway page.
4. Microblogging: it's what tumblr and booklikes blogs are. They have pretty low customability and reach other people on the site but not really outside of it. The content is smaller, like when you see only a video or a couple pictures on a tumblr post. The other term people use for things like tumblr and BookLikes is "short form blog", but I like microblogging better.
I will check it out. I don't post many bookish things to my FB personal page. What would be stellar would be being able to directly reblog to my FB book page. I would worship that platform if that ever happened. 🙂
Hmmm, you might be able to do that. I haven't tried. But if you can't I bet the BookLikes people could make it happen. They're pretty awesome.