Since I did one of these for YA it only makes sense that I do one for adult books. I had some extra so there will be honorable mentions.

1. The Mummy, Or Ramses the Damed by Anne Rice: This book is a standalone, and it’s one of my absolute favorite Anne Rice books. Yay, awesome back story!
2. The Shining by Stephen King: Not a good book to read at night, there’s a reason that Stephen King is known for writing some creepy stuff!
3. Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris: Actually, just go read the entire Sookie series, there are more paranormal creatures than you can count in these things.
4. Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe: Poe knew creepy and if you haven’t read The Fall of the House of Usher or The Telltale Heart then go do it right now!
5. Dracula by Bram Stoker: You want vampires? This is the big one, the great kahuna, the big boss vamp.
6. ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King: Most things that King has written would fit happily on this list, but this is one of my personal favorites.
7. Horns by Joe Hill: This one is being adapted into a movie starring Daniel Radcliffe. Oh, and this guy is the son of Stephen King. Read the thing!
8. Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice: Actually I’m going to tell you to read the whole first three books in her Vampire Chronicles: this one, Vampire Lestat (my favorite), and Queen of the Damned.
9. The entire Pride an Prejudice and Zombie Series: These books are more funny horror than creepy, but not everything has to be super scary.
10. Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix: I just read and reviewed this one. Check it out.
Honorable Mentions:
Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Tales
What are your favorite adult Halloween reads? Share in the comments.
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I totally agree re: Horrorstor!
I just finished the Fall which is based on the Fall of the House of Usher which would be my suggestion. Creepy! I keep meaning to read Dracula for Halloween, but I just don't think its going to happen. Maybe next year!
That would be one for the YA Halloween reads that I posted…hmmm last week I think? I really want to read it, I didn't put it in that one because I wasn't sure if it was any good.
I have 'Salem's Lot on my Halloween TBR. I read it many years ago so I'm looking forward to digging in again.
I should probably reread it again but I don't have time this year. Enjoy!
Ooh another excellent list!
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.