Month: October 2014

Book Blitz: Lailah by Nikki ..

Book Blitz: Lailah by Nikki Kelly- Interview + Giveaway

Title: Lailah Series: The Styclar Saga #1 Author: Nikki Kelly Release Date: October 7th Publisher: Feiwel & Friends Summary from Goodreads: The girl knows she’s different. She doesn’t age. She has no family. She has visions of a past life, but no clear clues as to what she is, or where she comes from. But […]

October 5, 2014

Stacking the Shelves #13: Oc..

Stacking the Shelves #13: October 4, 2014

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews in which we share the books we bought, borrowed, or were sent from publishers. This was a pretty small week but with a bunch of exciting titles for me! Doctor Who: Silhouette by Justin Richards (sent by Crown) Mortal Heart by Robin LaFevers (sent by HMH) […]

October 4, 2014

10 Awesome YA Reads for Hall..

10 Awesome YA Reads for Halloween

It’s October! Halloween is my favorite time of year. This year my family and I are going all out with the decorating and hosting a ghoulish Halloween party for our friends. Halloween is also when I dig out my favorite spooky reads and discover new ones as I go. So here are some suggestions for […]

October 3, 2014

Chapter Reveal: A Murder of ..

Chapter Reveal: A Murder of Magpies by Sarah Bromley

Welcome to this week’s M9B Friday Reveal! This week, we are revealing the first chapter for A Murder of Magpies by Sarah Bromleypresented by Month9Books! Be sure to enter the giveaway found at the end of the post! Winter in Black Orchard, Wisconsin, is long and dark, and sixteen-year-old Vayda Silver prays the snow will keep […]

October 3, 2014

Non-Bookish Things I’m..

Non-Bookish Things I’m Into

Let’s be honest, at least 70% of the things I’m into are book related. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t things I love that live outside of the bookish world. Today I want to share with you some of those things. Note: Normally Sherlock would be at the top of any list but because […]

October 2, 2014

Hit by Lorie Ann Grover

Hit by Lorie Ann Grover

Hit by Lorie Ann Grover Release Date: October 7, 2014 Publisher: Blink 224 Pages Received: From Street Team Format: ARC Rating: 3 Nuts  Description: After receiving a full-ride scholarship to Mills College for Girls, it appears Sarah’s future is all laid out before her that is until she walks into a poetry class led by Mr. Haddings, […]

October 1, 2014

Books to Movie Giveaway Hop

Books to Movie Giveaway Hop

This giveaway is part of the Books to Movies Giveaway Hop hosted by Bookhounds and I Am a Reader, Not a Writer.  The winner (or winners, depending on how many entries I get) will be able to choose from one of four books! What You Can Win: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare The Sisterhood of the […]

October 1, 2014