Stacking the Shelves is a weekly book haul meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews. I’ve had another rather large week so let’s look at the books.
Abhorsen (Trade)
The Girl in the Steel Corset (Trade)
King (Trade)
Winner’s Crime (Trade)
Star Cursed (Trade)
Playlist for the Dead (Signed, won)
Love is the Drug (Given)
Zodiac (Trade)
Sea of Shadows (Trade)
Side Effects May Vary (Trade)

Girl in the Well (Trade)
Defy (Trade)
Diagnosis Death (Life’s Treasures)
Mortal Gods (Trade)
Gone Girl (Library Sale)
Iron Hearted Violet (Library Sale)
Break My Heart 1,000 Times (Library Sale)
The Ghost in the Glass House (Library Sale)
The Death Catchers (Library Sale)
Rotters (Library Sale)
Widdershins (Library Sale)

Wicked Games (Trade)
Warrior (Trade)
Tandem (Trade)
The Darkest Part of the Forest (Trade)

Compulsion (Trade)
Ashes to Ashes (Trade)
Shutter (Trade)
Skylark (Trade)
Prudence (Trade)

The Line (Goodwill)
Nothing Sacred (Goodwill)
Going Home (Goodwill)
Along for the Ride (Goodwill)
Sin Eater’s Daughter (B&N)
The Natural History of Dragons (BookOutlet)
The Tropic of Serpents (BookOutlet)
How to Lead a Life of Crime (Signed, BookOutlet)
Master of Middle Earth (First Edition, Antique Mall)
The Last Days of MASH (Antique Mall)
Undertow by Michael Buckley (Netgalley)
The Girl at Midnight (Netgalley)
What looks cool? What did you guys get? Share/link in the comments.
Keep Reading!
You should really enjoy Compulsion. The Social Potato girls have me wanting to read Shutter. I am posting an end of the month Stacking the Shelves on Monday because I got a Book Outlet order, and I have been getting every book I request on Edelweiss since January, so I have a ton of books. My faves were the two signed hardcovers, of Gates of Thread and Stone and The Infinite, I won from the author. You had a fabulous book week!
I've been wanting to read Lori's books! I'm so jealous you won them. 😛
The Girl in the Steel Corset is great! I'm so jealous that you have The Winner's Crime, The Sin Eater's Daughter, and Prudence! I hope you enjoy all of your books! New follower!
Thanks for following! Sin Eater's Daughter is awesome so far!
What wonderful books. Can't say I'm not a tad bit jealous of a couple. Enjoy them. Check out my haul at if you want.
I'm very excited by them, and still shocked that I have them in the first place.
Nice stack of books! I hope you enjoy them!
Come and check out OUaT's STS and ENTER our giveaways!
Thanks for stopping by!
Great haul! Zodiac and Tandem are two that I have been really excited about but still haven't read. I recently read Side Effects May Vary and it was pretty good. I hope you enjoy your books and have a great week! 🙂
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I have so much to read, it's exciting!
Great stacks! I loved Zodiac, Sea of Shadows, The Winner's Crime, Compulsion, The Girl in the Steel Corset (the whole series, honestly), Skylark, The Darkest Part of the Forest! But not so much The Sin Eater's Daughter. I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Have a fabulous week, Erin 🙂
Check out my STS post!
I'm really liking Sin Eater's Daughter so far actually. Thanks for stopping!