Hey guys!
I don’t know how many of you are regularly on twitter but recently everyone has been talking out their goals for the coming year, both in reading and blogging. I’ve posted a few of mine on there but then I had a thought. I post so much on Twitter that those tweets will be swallowed up in a few hours and it’ll be like I never said them.But posting them here on the blog, I’ll be able to go back and go, “yes, I’m working towards that” or “I should really get on that”.
To that end, and to foster a bit of discussion in the comments, these are my goals for 2016.
Blogging Goals:
Blog for the love of it- sometimes I forget why I do this. It’s easy to cater your content to what publishers or more mainstream followers want to see. But that’s not my voice. In the coming year I want to try to remember to read and blog because I love it and I love the book community.
Don’t worry about stats- It’s not uncommon to look at your stats and start becoming a little worried about your numbers. Why are they so low today, what made them jump up yesterday? It goes back to my above goal, I have to blog for me and for the love of what I do, not focus on other things.
Bring back features- I want to bring back some of our old features. I stopped doing some of them for a wide array of reasons. Some because they weren’t popular or because I got lazy. Now I want to go back to my favorites and finish out the hoard of drafts sitting in my posts. Some I’m thinking about bringing back are: Pet Peeves, The Thing About…, Thumbing Through Throwbacks, Trips and Tricks, and maybe Sunday Storytime. What do you want to see back?
Review older titles- I have tons of unread books on my shelf and one thing I saw during the #back2basicsblogging chat was that people wanted to see more reviews of older books. Well, I can do that! I need to tackle this TBR anyway!
Don’t worry about ARCs- We all do it. We request and ARC we want REALLY bad and when we don’t get it we wonder why. Is it because I’m not good enough? I haven’t made an impression? Did I do something wrong? Most of the time the answer is no. But anxiety brain loves to have something to latch onto. Well, I’m not giving it the power anymore. If I don’t get a book, I won’t worry about it. There’s always next time.
No more pressure- I put so much pressure on myself when I have a stack of ARCs staring me down. Well, no more. I won’t force myself to read a book just because the release date is coming up. I won’t force out a review that just doesn’t seem to want to come.
Reading Goals:
Goodreads Challenge- As I’ve done for the last few years, I’m going for the 100 book challenge again in 2016. It’s a manageable number for me and not all that stressful.
Clear my shelves- part one of this goal involves wading through all my unread books and actually, you know, read them. The ones I won’t read again? They need to go. This will also help one of my blogging goals!
Only buy my MUST-HAVES- I’m not buying random books next year. I’m sticking with my wishlist a little closer and only buying my must-haves at full price. The rest? They’re coming used or from the library.
Other Bookish Goals-
Get a job at Grounds or the library- my big goal for the new year is getting a new job. My top two picks are these: the local library or Grounds for Thought. Grounds is a local coffee shop/used book shop less than a mile from my apartment. It’s perfect and I want to work there.
WRITE MY DAMN BOOK!- I have just over 10,000 words of my high fantasy YA novel and I want to have the first draft finished by the end of next year.
So, those are my reading and blogging goals for the coming year. What are your personal blogging goals? Your reading goals? Other general bookish goals? Share in the comments.
Keep Reading!
My personal blogging goal is to write posts and commit to reviewing! My reading goal is to clear out my current TBR on Goodreads–a little ambitious, but I’m willing to try. I’ve got a MG work in progress that I started a few days ago and I want this one to go further than the crappy rough draft stage 🙂 Good luck on your blogging and reading goals, and extra good luck with the high fantasy YA you’re writing! Happy New Year!
Ohhh, this post inspired me to make a 2016 blogging goals, too. Best of luck with all your goals, I think they’re manageable.
Great goals! I am also looking forward to more blogging and connecting with more bloggers. The book community is pretty much the best. Everyone is so kind and supportive. I love it!