There’s a quaint little shop in Hudson, Ohio that sits nestled in a town halfway between Akron and Cleveland. The area is pretty well-to-do and great for shopping but Main Street holds the real jewel. The Learned Owl.
Learned Owl is a gorgeous shop filled with books of all kinds. With the local library they host all kinds of great author events, including an Ohio Author day (which helped inspire this blog’s OAAA event).
One of the best features of this shop, which has been around since the 70’s is that it boasts TONS of signed books on its shelves. Every time an author comes to the area The Learned Owl has them sign books to be sold in the shop to customers of all ages.
This shop has a huge childrens and teens room and many of the signed editions reside here. Books signed by Jody Casella, Mindy McGinnis, Leah Clifford, and Cinda Willaims Chima have graced these shelves and its easy to lose yourself here if you’re not careful.
The shop is open every day of the week and though small, it has a big heart. Even as small goes, this place isn’t tiny. After all it does have 3 floors of books. You really couldn’t tell from the outside how big it actually is.
I love supporting shops like The Learned Owl and you can bet whenever I’m in the area you can definitely find me there.
Check out the shop here.
Where is your favorite local bookish destination? Share yours in the comments and tell me where I should go!
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