Published by Harlequin Teen on January 16th 2018
Pages: 512
3 Nuts
Zenith is one of those books where everyone seems to have an opinion about it whether they’ve read it or not. Some people refuse to give it a chance because of the authors. Others claim it’s far too derivative of other YA books. Me, I like to make my own opinions. They summary was interesting enough so why not give it a go.
As I closed the book for the last time I was definitely in agreement on one point. The book isn’t really that good. But it’s also not that bad either? Let me explain.
As many people have already stated this book is incredibly derivative. It’s a sort of mash up of typical YA tropes and many of the most popular YA novels in the last few years. Start with Throne of Glass, mix in a bit of Lunar Chronicles and every stupid non communicative relationship in YA history and you’ve basically got Zenith.
Despite all that Zenith is solid enough character wise to keep you reading. You may be able to pick out which bits and pieces come from other books but they are pretty well seamlessly integrated into Sasha and Lindsey’s story.
Unfortunately the ending of this book is probably one of the most anticlimactic conclusions I’ve ever read. I sat there after it was over going “is that it?” It felt incomplete and like a giant let down, though I suppose I should not have been surprised.
There’s very little original story telling in this book. The side character pirates are probably the most engaging part of the story. Even the tech seems like its taken right out of the Lunar Chronicles. I’ll give it this: It did make me want to finish the story. I didn’t DNF, despite all it problems. I guess it’s teetering between a 2.5 and a 3 so I’ll be generous and give it that last half star for that.
How do you feel about Zenith? Love? Hate? No feelings at all? Share in the comments.
From my shelf to yours,
Thank you for your unbiased opinion! I think a lot of the hate for this book also stems from people’s other issues with the authors. I’m happy to hear you liked the story enough to finish it. I don’t think I’ll be picking this one up since I’m not interested in a YA mashup… Sad since the authors are actually coming to my city for a signing and that rarely happens!!