ART MATTERS by Neil Gaiman + Chris Riddell

December 8, 2018     jennzahbooknut     Book review

ART MATTERS by Neil Gaiman + Chris RiddellArt Matters: Because Your Imagination Can Change the World by Neil Gaiman, Chris Riddell
Published by William Morrow on November 20, 2018
Pages: 112

A stunning and timely creative call-to-arms combining four extraordinary written pieces by Neil Gaiman illustrated with the striking four-color artwork of Chris Riddell.

“The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.”—Neil Gaiman

Drawn from Gaiman’s trove of published speeches, poems, and creative manifestos, Art Matters is an embodiment of this remarkable multi-media artist’s vision—an exploration of how reading, imagining, and creating can transform the world and our lives.

Art Matters bring together four of Gaiman’s most beloved writings on creativity and artistry:

“Credo,” his remarkably concise and relevant manifesto on free expression, first delivered in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo shootings“Make Good Art,” his famous 2012 commencement address delivered at the Philadelphia University of the Arts“Making a Chair,” a poem about the joys of creating something, even when words won’t come“On Libraries,” an impassioned argument for libraries that illuminates their importance to our future and celebrates how they foster readers and daydreamersFeaturing original illustrations by Gaiman’s longtime illustrator, Chris Riddell, Art Matters is a stirring testament to the freedom of ideas that inspires us to make art in the face of adversity, and dares us to choose to be bold.

Happy Holidays from us at THE BOOK NUT. It’s been a bit quiet around here, due to holiday madness and life coming at us, but I wanted to pop in today and talk about a book I think would be the perfect gift for ANYONE on your shopping list this year.

It’s no secret that I love Neil Gaiman’s work.  I’m also a (struggling) writer who, like everyone, needs to be reminded about why I want to create.  Why it’s important that I create, and bring my stories to life into the world. So when I heard that he was publishing this book, ART MATTERS, I was instantly overexcited. And when I got my copy in, I was not disappointed.

Neil’s words (along with Chris Riddell’s amazing illustrations), are all about why creating something – anything – in your imagination is important. Why you need to keep on doing it.  If there ever was a pick me up for writers, artists, and everyone else inbetween – this is the book. I’m so grateful that the world has people like Neil Gaiman in it who make it a point to remind us all that we are needed, even when we think we aren’t.

So if you know a writer, an artist, a dreamer, or any sort of creative person who might be struggling — pick them up this book. It’s a quick read, but a strong reminder and a kick in the pants to their creativity!

About Neil :

Neil Gaiman is the bestselling author and creator of books, graphic novels, short stories, film and television for all ages, including NeverwhereCoralineThe Graveyard BookThe Ocean at the End of the LaneThe View from the Cheap Seats and the critically acclaimed, Emmy-nominated television adaptation of American Gods. The recipient of numerous literary honors, Neil has written scripts for Doctor Who, worked with authors and artists including Terry Pratchett, Chris Riddell and Dave McKean, and Sandman is established as one of the classic graphic novels. In 2017, he became a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. As George R. R. martin says: “There’s no one quite like Neil Gaiman.”

About Chris :

Chris Riddell is one of the U. K.’s top contemporary illustrators and cartoonists. He has written and illustrated an exceptional range of books and is winner of many illustration awards, including the UNESCO Prize, the Greenaway Medal (twice) and the Hay Festival Medal for Illustration.

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