Author: erinthebooknut

YA Review: The Unbecoming of..

YA Review: The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer

  You know, this book really surprised me. I wasn’t vey interested in reading it, even after my favorite bloggers and booktubers sang its praises. Everyone talks about how good The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer is but I never really understood why. It just seemed like it would be mushy and romance obsessed to the […]

January 1, 2016
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My Blogging Goals for 2016

My Blogging Goals for 2016

Hey guys! I don’t know how many of you are regularly on twitter but recently everyone has been talking out their goals for the coming year, both in reading and blogging. I’ve posted a few of mine on there but then I had a thought. I post so much on Twitter that those tweets will […]

December 29, 2015

Twilight VS Life and Death

Twilight VS Life and Death

  I think by now most people have read Twilight, or at least seen the film. I mean, It’s been ten years since the book came out and it was so big that it was difficult to ignore. Admittedly, I’ve never been a fan. I’m in the “Twilight is terrible” camp. But I’m also in […]

December 28, 2015

Bookish News: The WinnerR..

Bookish News: The Winner’s Kiss Cover Rereveal

You spoke and they listened! That’s right, the hardcover for The Winner’s Kiss will be published wit the original red dress cover! Fierce Reads posted a Winner’s Kiss cover rereveal on their tumblr page featuring the old cover whose change caused such controversy on Twitter.   That’s right! Fierce Reads heard our cries! They will […]

December 22, 2015

Most Anticipated Reads of 20..

Most Anticipated Reads of 2016- Erin

Hey all! We’re getting down to the end of the year and it was time for me to take a look at by TBR for 2016. From that list I put together what I would consider to be my most anticipated list for the first part of the year. For me, my most anticipated list […]

December 22, 2015

The New Book Nut: We’r..

The New Book Nut: We’re Pretty!

Check it out, guys! We’re new and improved! Here’s the run down:   Jenny and I decided it was time to make some big changes. Not so much in content but in look, in platform, and in our domain. Jenny is the best co-blogger a girl could ask for so we both threw out some […]

December 21, 2015