As I’ve been having a ton of problems with my camera (which is on reason I have been lax on the monthly hauls) I decided to just give you a quick run down of what I got last month the old fashioned way. So let us begin!
- William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return by Ian Doescher (Sent by the ever wonderful Quirk Books)
- The Woman Who Would be King by Kara Cooney (sent by Crown)
- Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix (also from Quirk Books)
- Darcy’s Story by Jane Aylmer (bought used, an excellent addition to by Jane Austen retelling collection).
- Incarceron by Catherine Fisher (the first book in a dualogy that I love for its uniqueness)
- The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson (book one of 3)
- The Pledge by Kimberley Derting (also book one of 3, I read this book two summers ago and loved it).
- Magic Study by Maria V. Snyder (used, book two of 3).
- Just One Year by Gayle Forman (sequel to Just One Day)

- I Am Number Four The Lost Files: The Legacies by Pitacus Lore
- The Dragon Business by Kevin J. Anderson
- Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl (book two of 4).
- Murder, She Wrote by James Anderson (a 3 book bind-up)
So that’s all for last month, I’ve already picked up some books for June to show at the end of the month.
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