Today is October 30th and so it’s time to talk about what I did this month! Halloween is my favorite holiday so the entire month of October becomes my Halloween playground. I figure it’s a good time to do a bit of a recap, something I’ll probably continue for the Christmas season as well.
Halloween Posts:
Here are all of the posts I’ve done this month that are Halloween related. If you missed one, go check them out!
10 Awesome YA Reads for Halloween
Review: Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix
10 Awesome Adult Reads for Halloween
Adaptation Review: The Halloween Tree Movie
Spooktacular Giveaway Hop (Ends Tomorrow)
10 Halloween Movies for Younger Readers and Families
10 Halloween Movies for YA and Adult Readers
Creature of the Night Book Tag
10 Horror Movies for Halloween Lovers
Other than Horrorstor I didn’t read any Halloween themed books. I had too many review books on my plate.
Halloween movies are one of my favorite parts of Halloween. I watched so many this year (usually while I was doing other things) that I can’t name them all. But if it’s a Halloween type movie, I probably watched it.
We had one! We watched movies, painted some pumpkins (I made a little minion), and ate a lot of food. Snacks included gummy bears soaked in whipped rum (we’re all 22), a giant bowl of Kit Kats, brownies, ghost cookies (made by me), Ants on a Log, and plenty of apple cider and metallic looking purple drinks.
Guys, I pretty much lived in Halloweenland this month. My house looks awesome! Spider webs, cornstalks, pumpkins, candles, you name it and we probably had it.
My Halloween Costume:
This year I had a lot of fun finding the parts for my costume. In the last four years I’ve been busy at college so I just scrounged for pieces I already had. Cowgirl, school girl, cowgirl again, and…wait for it…cowgirl. Lame. A few years ago I decided I wanted to try to be Shock from The Nightmare Before Christmas, a costume that couldn’t be found unless I made it myself. I can’t sew, not going to happen. So this year when I saw the Sally costume I knew I had to be her.
I got the “Sassy Sally” costume and tossed the wig. a) I have red hair and b) it looked like a mangled raggedy ann wig. There’s also a sort of petticoat that’s supposed to make the dress poof. Uncomfortable and ridiculous looking, I tossed that too. I chose the “sassy” version of this costume because I’m short and the full length costume would not have fit. I found a pair of awesome witchy boots for $5 at a thrift store and tights with stitches on them to complete the costume. The costume came with stitch elbow length gloves so I had that covered.
My biggest problem was make up, I had intended to do a whiteish corpse-like face but discovered that I’m allergic to the make up. Reason why I dropped my theatre major #37. I used a pale foundation, red lipstick, and liquid eyeliner for the stitches. Also, fake lashes were a pain in the butt to do but I eventually got them on. Straightening out my curls was the last bit I needed to do and then I could walk around my Halloween party blind as a bat without my glasses.
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