Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga’s Reviews in which we share the books we’ve bought, borrowed, or were sent. This is a pretty good week for me, so let’s get started!
Button Hill by Michael Bradford (Sent from Publisher)
The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel by Deborah Moggach (Goodwill)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (UK Edition) by JK Rowling (Library Sale)
Emerald Green by Kiersten Gier (Library Sale)
Unbreakable by Kami Garcia (Library Sale)
Jepp, Who Defied the Stars (Library Sale)
American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Goodwill)
Suspicion by Alexandra Monir (Traded for on YABE)
Prophecy by Ellen Oh (BookOutlet)
Rebellion by Stephanie Diaz (Sent from Publisher)
Frost by Marianna Baer (Traded for on YABE)
Rags and Bones by various (Gifted)
Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson (BookOutlet)
So that’s what I got this week! What looks good to you? Share in the comments! And if you want to trade with me, I have a new page here on the blog that makes it easy! Check it out!
Keep Reading!
Oh Harry Potter! I keep meaning to re-read the books but I never find the time. Happy reading!
Tsuki’s STS
I only need one more UK edition to finish my second collection. 🙂
I love the Harry Potter series so much. It brings back some good memories. I hope you love Prophecy, that one was excellent.
Grace @ Books of Love
I'm excited to read them in the UK format.
My friend recommended American God to me and I am thinking of trying it too! 🙂
Check out my STS here! 🙂
I've read part of it before. It's awesome.
Impressive haul. Frost and Rags & Bones are the ones that I keep seeing, enough that now I'm curious to read. Enjoy reading.
My STS is here:
I love the covers on them. 🙂
Nice haul! I got Rebellion for review. I hope I can get to it before it comes out! Enjoy your books and thanks for stopping by my blog!
I just bought Extraction so I need to read that first.
This is a nice haul. So many nice books. I've heard of Suspicion and Rebellion. I love the covers for both books. Happy reading!
Here's MY STS
Genesis @ GenGen's Book Blog
Thank you! They do have nice covers.
I loved the Ruby Red series! Though not Suspicion, or Extraction (so I definitely won't be reading Rebellion). I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fantastic weekend 🙂
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
I have the whole Ruby Red series now. Marathon!
Lots and lots of great titles here! I'm hoping to restart reading Rags & Bones next week! I think I'm going to try to read a short story every other day, I seem to do better with anthologies when I take breaks in between each one…
Enjoy your new reads 🙂
Oh thats a good way to handle it. I might try that.
Great haul! I've been meaning to pick up Ruby Red and get started on that trilogy because it sounds like something I'd really love. Prophecy by Ellen Oh sounds pretty good! I hope you enjoy your books. 🙂
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I've been waiting til I got all three so I could marathon.
Woah, these books are all so new to me. I hope you enjoy them though. Stacking the Shelves #2
I can't wait to get to them.
The Way of Kings looks really good. And quite intimidating. 😀 I hope you enjoy reading your new books!
Haha yeah, it's a big one. I can't wait though.
Frost sounds like a great read. Hope you enjoy and have a great upcoming week.
Thanks, yeah it looks great.
SO many great books! I especially need to read American Gods, Emerald Green and The Marigold Hotel. Enjoy!
-Jon from Bookish Antics!
I saw the Marigold Hotel movie but I need to read the book. 🙂
Great haul! Unbreakable, American Gods and a few others here are fairly high up on my TBR. I hope you enjoy everything. Happy Reading!
Here’s my STS.
Awesome! I hope you get to American Gods soon.
Ooh, yay Emerald Green! That series is such fun! I need to find copies of the last two books to look pretty on my shelves. 🙂 Your library sales are obviously awesome. I mean, UK edition Harry Potter? How awesome is that?!?
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
I haven't read any of them yet. My copies don't match though. I have no idea where my library got those UK Harry Potters.