on January 19th 2016
Genres: New Adult
Pages: 378
Format: Ebook
Source: Author
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She wanted a one-night stand...and then he moved in next door.
Paige Bennett is more than content with her life and what she does—and does not—have in it. She’s got a supportive family, a great apartment, and the best friend a girl could ask for; so what if her relationships expire faster than a carton of milk? After a disastrous detour courtesy of poor judgment in the boyfriend department, her plan is back on track and her dream job is finally within her grasp. Nothing can make her lose focus now. Well, nothing except the one-night stand she had with her best friend’s surrogate brother. The one-night stand she can’t stop thinking about.
Adam Reid has always been reliable...the responsible son, the loyal friend, the steady boyfriend. Two years ago, he graduated Magna Cum Laude and is well on his way to making a name for himself at an accounting firm in Denver—a far cry from working as a helper in the Mom and Pop store his parents own in Michigan. But when said store starts failing, he’s the only one who can step in and help. So reliable Adam does what he always does, and he comes to the rescue.
Paige thought Adam was a safe bet because he lives halfway across the country. But then suddenly he’s moving back to their town, and then into her apartment building, and soon he’s worming his way right into her life. If she’s not careful, he might sneak his way into her heart, too...
My Review
I was lucky enough to get an ARC from Brighton of Paige in Progress for review – thank you!! I love her books. They always seem to have a perfect mix of great plot, relatable characters and swoon worthy romance and Paige in Progress is no different. I was hooked from the first sentence and I absolutely flew through this book. It was just what I needed, a fun, funny and sexy read. And a thing that I love, a happily ever after!
Paige knows what she wants out of life. She’s on track to complete her goals of becoming a detective, and she’s perfectly happy to continue her series of one night stands after a bad relationship sours her on relationships. That is, she was perfectly happy, until Adam. It was a steamy one night stand that shouldn’t have happened, even though she can’t get it out of her head. So when he comes back into her life, she isn’t ready.
I love the fact that Paige is a take no prisoners kind of girl. She’s headstrong, cusses like a sailor and isn’t afraid to go toe to toe with the boys. I really adored that she didn’t need someone to complete her, that she was perfectly confident in herself and her appeal. It’s always fun to see a girl character who’s dominant in and out of the bedroom. And those bedroom scenes are so freaking hot, it’s ridiculous. It was also great to see a girl character be portrayed as the one who knows what she wants sexually instead of that always being the guy’s role. It was also great to see a woman athlete in a romance book too. Paige loves all kind of sports and she competes with Adam on several occasions and holds her own. I loved that she was able to be herself and not try to hold back on her skills just to make a guy feel better.
Adam is the good son who has come home to help the family business. He thinks he knows what he wants and he’s been successful on his own for years. He’s not a one night stand kind of guy. He’s had a few longer term relationships, but its totally out of character for him to have a one night stand. And maybe that would have been fine, and he could have left it at a one night stand, but he just can’t get her out of his head. So when he’s back in town to help his family’s business, he can’t help but pursue a relationship with Paige.
I adored Adam. He’s really a good guy. He’s sweet and respectful to Paige, a good son and a great friend. He really went all out to find a way to make Paige comfortable. Plus, the fact that he’s gorgeous can’t hurt! It’s rare for me to really like both main characters in a book like this, usually I’m leaning one way or the other, but I really liked both Paige and Adam equally here.
There are no huge surprises or twists plot-wise in this book, but it never falls into a dull or predictable pattern. The writing is really engaging, the characters are fun and relatable, and the romance is off the charts. I’m really glad I got a chance to read this one and I highly recommend you pick it up when it comes out next week!!
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