Hi! I’m Jennzah. I’m the new co-blogger here at The Book Nut, and I’m so excited to be here!
A little about me : i’m 30-ish, married to my best friend (who also happens to look like a Weasley — accent and all!), and am a mum to four gorgeous kitties. i live somewhere in Wisconsin, and before that lived in many places including the United Kingdom.
I’ve loved to read for as long as i can remember; my favourite genre is YA and Urban Fantasy! i generally like to read dystopian, fantasy, and ANYTHING paranormal, but i’m not too picky about other genres. My favourite authors include Neil Gaiman (STARDUST is my favourite book EVER), Jeri Smith-Ready, Brenna Yovanoff, Marissa Meyer, Jennifer Estep, Jessica Spotswood, and Joelle Charbonneau. my favourite books include the Harry Potter books (of course!), the Hunger Games, The Lunar Chronicles, The Testing series, WVMP Vampires, THE REPLACEMENT, and The Elemental Trilogy by Sherry Thomas, and about a billion other books!
You can usually find me within a pages of a good book, taking photos of something random, plotting a trip to somewhere I’ve never been, binge watching something, or plotting my own story in my head. I’m obsessed with Funkos, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, and wish they’d never taken House MD off the air. oh, and I love (and i mean LOVE) the band Something for Kate.
My last awesome read was BURNING GLASS by Kathryn Purdie : watch for my review coming soon!
Hi Jennzah! Erin is amazing! Can’t wait to read some future posts.