We are gearing up for the Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival! Step One was me driving to pick up Erin so that we could get to our jump-off point (that being Erin’s childhood home, since it’s closer than either of our current homes.)
We packed our bags and got on the road, only to find after an hour that my gps had cruelly betrayed us, sending us instead to Cedar Point. We seriously considered a ride on the Iron Dragon, but we were on a schedule.
After sternly correcting our course, sending my gps off in a snit, we were genuinely on our way. Our detour North did nothing to dampen our enthusiasm for the journey ahead. All in all, it only set us back about twenty-five minutes.
Once we made it to our destination, we got down to business. It was time to strategize and nail down our schedule for the event. We selected our panels and made a tentative plan for signings.
At last, our harrowing day was at an end, and we were exhausted.
Now it is time to sleep. Goodnight y’all.
From my shelf to yours,
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