A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to TBF Live 2016 — Part 2

May 14, 2016     laurathebibliophile     Uncategorized

Day Two in our journey was actually yesterday, but we were exhausted and spacey, so we’re posting now.

After finishing up some housekeeping tasks, we got on the road, despite the handicap of our gps refusing to recognize New York as a destination. 

The first part of the trip was mostly uneventful, apart from several rest stops. 

Once we reached New York, we stopped at Lake Chataqua so that we could actually put our hotel in the gps. Apparently, New York only exists within the borders of New York. 

The traffic as we got closer got intense, and our lovely driver was in danger of melting. The soundtrack to “Anything Goes” was v helpful.

Finally, we reached Ironsequo…Ironde… Iron Quidditch. After dinner and some shopping, we ended up falling asleep at 9pm because we are old ladies. 

Hopefully we will be alive enough to post about TBF Live tonight!

From our bookshelf to yours,

Erin & Laura

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