It’s our stop on the DRAGONS LOVE TACOS 2 Blog Tour!
Below, find an original short story written by Jennie, about her and co-blogger Erin’s quest to save the tacos that finds them in Ancient Greece! Don’t forget to enter the giveaway as well!
Oh no, the world has run out of tacos! What should we do?
- Check emergency taco supplies
- Eat emergency taco supplies
- Panic
- Fire up that time machine in the garage
- All of the above
We’ve got to save the tacos! The dragons are here to help. Just keep them away from all that spicy salsa. You remember what happened last time.
It’s no secret that Erin and Jennie love their tacos JUST as much as a dragon does! But this week, when we went to visit our favourite taco place, we were dismayed to find that ALL THE TACOS HAD GONE MISSING.
Upon reading the news, we discovered that THE WORLD HAS RUN OUT OF TACOS.
“Oh no!” cried Jennie. “I NEED tacos to survive!”
Erin nodded. They sat and pouted for a minute, untill Erin perked up.
“Don’t you have a TARDIS in your room?” she asked Jennie.
“Well, yeah, but it’s just a model……” Jennie said, furrowing her brow.
“This is a dire situation,” said Erin. “Maybe the dragon can help us fire it up?”
They turned to look at the dragon. He looked back.
“Anything is possible,” he said finally. “Go get it.”
Jennie went and retrieved her model-sized TARDIS and placed it on the table.
“So what do we do?” she asked, looking at the dragon expectantly. He stared at the two girls, and then all of a sudden, they were inside the TARDIS.
Both girls had a geekgasm. When they composed themselves, Erin ran to the console.
“Do you even know how to work this awesomeness?” Jennie asked, following her. She noticed the dragon had kicked back on the chairs already.
“No idea,” replied Erin. “But….. “ she reached out and touched the screen of the console.
Jennie fumbled with one of the switches. A loud noise filled the room.
“TAKE US TO WHERE THERE ARE STILL TACOS, DARN IT!” She yelled in frustration, smacking a button.
“Don’t do that!” Erin yelled back.
The dragon looked on in amusement.
All of a sudden, there was a lurch, and the TARDIS began making the familar wheezing noise that meant it was taking flight.
“Uh,oh!” the girls cried in unison. They scrambled to hold onto whatever they could, until they felt the room stop shaking.
It was silent for a moment. The dragon was still sitting in the chairs, inspecting one of his long talons.
“Well?” he asked. “Don’t you want to see where the ship has taken you?”
The girls exchanged a look, then both ran to the door. Erin pulled open the door and they stepped outside.
“What the……” said Jennie, under her breath.
They were standing in a great hall, awash in bright golden light. Beautiful white columns of marble lined the walls, and equally as beautiful marble tiles lined the floor.
And in the middle of the the room, was a great banquet table. PILED HIGH WITH TACOS!
“Are we…….” Erin stopped, her breath catching in her throat, “Are we in ANCIENT GREECE?”
Jennie was looking at the tacos, exhilarated that the TARDIS had answered her demand. “Huh?” she asked.
“Look!” Erin pointed past the pile of tacos, to the people coming and going from behind the table. “THAT’S ZEUS.”
“Zeus? AS IN GOD OF OLYMPUS ZEUS?” Jennie exclaimed. She followed the direction of Erin’s pointing finger to see a bearded man, clad in a golden toga, helping himself to a healthy portion of the tacos. Her eyes got wide as she glimpsed another person coming up to the table.
“Oh, my goodness! THAT IS ATHENA.” They looked as a beautiful woman with grey eyes and dark hair delicately took a few tacos from the plate.
“I didn’t think they ate tacos in Ancient Greece….” Erin mumbled, gazing.
“Of course they did, “ said the dragon, coming up behind them. “Tacos are EVERYWHERE!”
They watched for a few more minutes as more Greek gods and goddesses came up to fill their plates with tacos. Among them, Erin counted Hera, Apollo, Artemis, and Poseidon, (who, she noted, was fond of the fish tacos on the platter.)
“Do you think they’d let us take a few back?” Jennie wondered, watching as Hermes flew in on his winged shoes and scooped up a few. She didn’t notice that the dragon was headed up to the platter until Erin nudged her.
“He’s going to get us in trouble!” Erin hissed.
Jennie watched as the dragon slinked up to the table and surveyed the platters. He was about to sneak one, when Erin yelled “NO!”
The dragon looked back at her. The god on the other side of the table glanced up to see the dragon with his claws outstretched, ready to snatch. Then he saw the girls hiding behind the column.
“May I help you?” He asked.
Erin turned red. The god, it was HADES.
Not only was he intimidating, with his cloak of souls and all, but he standing behind the one kind of tacos that the dragon could NOT eat — the ones with salsa and peppers! The kind that made him erupt with fire.
Erin composed herself, and said strongly to the dragon “DO NOT EAT THAT ONE.”
The dragon looked down at the taco he was about to take, and retracted his scaly arm. “Good catch,” he said, then ambled over a few steps to the plain tacos that Demeter was selecting from.
Jennie stepped forward and cleared her throat.
“Hi there!” she said. “Sorry to interrupt your meal, but um, can we have a few of those?” she motioned toward the tacos.
Hades flashed his eyes at her. “What for, mortal?”
Jennie took a deep breath. “We come from a time where there are no more tacos! We were wondering if we could just take a few back with us? We don’t mean to be any bother!”
Zeus had strolled back up to the table, noticing the girls and the dragon. He laughed a great laugh, and smiled.
“Hades, don’t be such a pain.” He said, touching Hades on the shoulder. “Of course you can, mortals! Take as many as you need!”
He motioned for the girls to take a plate. Jennie and Erin stepped forward, and started filling the plates as quickly as possible.
The dragon took this as a sign to start filling his belly with Demeter’s platter of tacos. Erin nudged him.
“Not too many!” she whispered. “These are the Greek Gods! They could make us stay here forever!”
The dragon side-eyed her, not missing a bite to his mouth. After a few more minutes, he ceased eating and fell into place between the two girls, who held their plates carefully.
“Ok, i think we’ll be going, then.” Erin said, suddenly feeling even more out of place than she already was, holding a huge plate of tacos in front of all the Greek Gods.
“Good idea, “ said Jennie, starting to back up towards where the TARDIS was. The dragon followed suit.
The gods were too busy enjoying their taco feast to notice much, or even when the strange blue box disappeared from the corner of the room.
When they made it back home, the dragon confiscated the two plates of tacos and ate almost all of them. He then went out to the backyard and planted the rest deep in the ground.
“Why did you plant them?” Erin and Jennie asked almost at the same time.
The dragon smiled.
“For a Taco Tree!” he said cheerily.
The girls exchanged a look.
“I think i want some ice cream,” Erin said, finally. Jennie nodded.
It had been a strange day.
Daniel Salmieri has illustrated many fantastic picture books, including the New York Times bestseller Robo-Sauce. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York, constantly drawing and painting images of ninja turtles, dinosaurs, and fighter jets (not in the same scene…), and graduated from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Make sure you visit the other stops on the DRAGONS LOVE TACOS 2 Blog Tour!
Great post. My grandsons would love this.
Carol L