May 2, 2018     jennzahbooknut     Uncategorized

A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT by Sarah J MaasA Court of Frost and Starlight (A Court of Thorns and Roses, #3.1) by Sarah J. Maas
on May 1, 2018

The Winter Solstice. In a week. I was still new enough to being High Lady that I had no idea what my formal role was to be. If we'd have a High Priestess do some odious ceremony, as lanthe had done the year before A year. Gods, nearly a year since Rhys had called in his bargain, desperate to get me away from the poison of the Spring Court to save me from my despair. Had he been only a minute later, the Mother knew what would have happened. Where I'd now be. Snow swirled and eddied in the garden, catching in the brown fibers of the burlap covering the shrubs My mate who had worked so hard and so selflessly, all without hope that I would ever be with him We had both fought for that love, bled for it. Rhys had died for it.

SO. We’ve all been eagerly awaiting almost ANYTHING from the world of Prythian (and, let’s face it, WE WANT MORE RHYSAND!). So when A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT was announced, all of us ACOTAR fans collectively squealed! But the question is : WAS IT WORTH THE WAIT?

First off, there’s the page count. While the other books in the ACOTAR series have clocked in with big numbers, A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT falls in at a shy 272 pages.  Would it be enough to get enough satisfaction (ha!) out of the story laid within?

Secondly, it’s told from multiple POV’s. Usually, we’re just used to seeing Feyre’s, but this book added in a first person from Rhysand, and a few third person from some of the other inner circle, mostly Cassian (YES!).

So, was it worth the wait? To this reader : YES.

A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT takes place a few months after the war has ended. Winter Solstice is upon the Night Court, and they are all looking forward to the holiday in one way or another.  But there is unrest around the Night Court, and other parts of Prythian, which threatens the tenuous peace that was brokered after the King of Hybern was slain.  With the Wall gone, new alliances are having to be formed to keep dissenters from moving forward and taking control of the human realms.

The Inner Circle all struggle with the fallout from the war : Feyre with the rebuilding of Velaris, Rhysand and Cassian watching over the Illyrians, Amren learning how to adjust to her newfound body.  Can they all make it to the Solstice Holiday and have a few moments of happiness?

From fighting to fluff, A COURT OF FROST AND STARLIGHT, while a short read, is a satisfying one. It ticked all the marks for me that I usually get from reading an ACOTAR book.  It’s also set up the next book in the world nicely – I’m looking forward to the Cassian/Nesta books VERY much.

Five Nuts all the way up!

5 Stars

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