Published by Scholastic on January 6, 2005
Pages: 48
Harold the dog thinks the Monroes' new pet rabbit is just a cute little bunny. But when the vegetables in the Monroes' kitchen start turning white, Chester the cat is worried. Could Bunnicula be a vampire bunny? Chester will stop at nothing to protect the Monroes and their vegetables from the threat.
If you know anything about me and the books from my childhood I still love to this day, you know that anything Bunnicula related tops that list. Sadly when I was a kid I had no idea these existed, except that I had a few of them in the form of a book of plays. Little did I know that Bunnicula Ready to Read shorts existed.
To be fair, I was probably far past them in my reading level but I still would have loved them. So when I saw all 6 on Book Outlet while I was buying Books For Kids Donations I knew they were going to be in my cart so I could pass the Bunnicula-verse on to a new generation of readers. But first, of course, I was going to read them.
Bunnicula and Friends: The Vampire Bunny
Pretty much the story of the first Bunnicula novel, only distilled down for younger readers and added with some pictures. Cute and funny as it has always been, though Chester looks nothing like I imagined.
3.5 Nuts
Hot Fudge
Seems to take place some time after HOWLIDAY INN or CELERY STALKS AT MIDNIGHT since Howie now joins the story. Fudgegoes missing and it turns up WHITE?! What a clever little twist James Howe added to this one.
4 Nuts
Scared Silly
Probably my favorite of the 6 Bunnicula and Friends stories, I think I may have to buy another copy for myself! It’s a Halloween tale with shades of the creep factor of NIGHTY NIGHTMARE, but for the younger kiddos. Chester being Chester, Howie being a scaredy pup, and hijinks abound! I freaking loved this one.
5 Nuts
Um who is the random Monroe we’ve never heard of? James, James honey, this character doesn’t exist in Bunnicula canon! Not even a mention. And trust me, I know my Bunnicula.
3 Nuts
The Fright Before Christmas
Oh Howie, you cute little scaredy pup. Someone really needs to bite that nasty Pete. I’d have kicked his ass a long time ago. The older I get the more I dislike the oldest Monroe boy. He really is a piece of work. That aside, cute holiday goofiness is always a plus.
4 Nuts
Creepy Crawly Birthday
This is the only one I remember from my play book, though I know SCARED SILLY was in there, and at least one more. But hell if I remember which one. This story always gave me the creeps, because I’m not a fan of creepy crawlies myself.
3.5 Nuts
Get your little reader into Bunnicula early with these Ready to Read stories. They’re easy to read with plenty of pictures and each story is unique in its quirky way just like all of Howe’s Bunnicula-verse. Then when they’re older you can give them Bunnicula and Tales from the House of Bunnicula to fill out the set.
What’s your favorite childhood series that you’d be thrilled to have more stories in it? Share in the comments.
From my shelf to yours,
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