Pages: 320
A darkly thrilling take on the fashion world, #FashionVictim is Heathers meets The Devil Wears Prada.
Fashion editor Anya St. Clair is on the verge of greatness. Her wardrobe is to die for. Her social media is killer. And her career path is littered with the bodies of anyone who got in her way. She’s worked hard to get where she is, but she doesn’t have everything.
Not like Sarah Taft. Anya’s obsession sits one desk away. Beautiful, stylish, and rich, she was born to be a fashion world icon. From her beach-wave blonde hair to her on-trend nail art, she’s a walking editorial spread. And Anya wants to be her friend. Her best friend. Her only friend.
But when Sarah becomes her top competition for a promotion, Anya’s plan to win her friendship goes into overdrive. In order to beat Sarah…she’ll have to become her. Friendly competition may turn fatal, but as they say in fashion: One day you’re in, and the next day you’re dead.
Holy SHIT. this is THE year for awesomely psychotic (and fashionable) serial killer books. first #Murdertrending by Gretchen McNeil (which i loved, see review ), and now September’s #fashionvictim. Anya St Clair would do ANYTHING to be best friends with Sarah Taft — even if it means killing anyone who gets in her way.
Guys, this book was amazing from start to finish. Snarky AF, Anya is deliciously delusional. The body count keeps rising as she fights to get a promotion at LA VIE, the magazine where she works. I loved her conversations with Dr. M. I loved her fantasized relationship with the detective investigating the murders. I loved that the people she killed kept showing up every where she went (especially Mulberry….!). Seriously, if Dexter were a woman who loved fashion — you’d have Anya St. Clair. She’s 100 percent diabolical and someone you do NOT want to cross. Think of her as a totally unhinged Carrie Bradshaw.
If you’re looking for an engrossing, not so much of a mystery but murder book — THIS IS FOR YOU. also, i love Jack. he’s so freaking shady!

[…] me (Jennzah) rave about author Amina Akhtar’s AMAZING debut, #Fashionvictim. (see my review here). Amina was kind enough to grant me an interview and answer some of the burning questions that I […]