Published by Orbit on July 19, 2016
Pages: 355
From New York Times bestselling author Gail Carriger comes the stunning sequel to Prudence.
Rue and the crew of the Spotted Custard return from India with revelations that shake the foundations of England's scientific community. Queen Victoria is not amused, the vampires are tetchy, and something is wrong with the local werewolf pack. To top it all off, Rue's best friend Primrose keeps getting engaged to the most unacceptable military types.
Rue has family problems as well. Her vampire father is angry, her werewolf father is crazy, and her obstreperous mother is both. Worst of all, Rue's beginning to suspect that what they really are... is frightened.
5 Nuts
Now this is what I expected of a Gail Carriger spin off series! This is the kind of book I really wanted from PRUDENCE. There’s plenty of interaction between Rue and Alexia but it is less harsh and unkind that it seemed in PRUDENCE. I had a lot of issues with the first book in the series. Sure I gave PRUDENCE 4 stars, but that had everything to do with the second half. This one is good from the get go, being, end, and everything in between. Plus all of the excellent callbacks.
This book is SO much better if you’ve read TIMELESS. I really can’t imagine reading this book without having read PP, but especially TIMELESS, since the entire thing goes right back into Egypt and ties up a ton of the loose ends left by that book. From certain characters reappearing, the Godbreaker plague and the Alpha’s curse, all that we’ve been waiting for since TIMELESS is right here. Without having read the entire PP series, you won’t get many of the callbacks but the ones in TIMELESS are particularly important.
(Nice to see you again Floote, you sneaky old bastard)
And if you thought Alexia and Conall were improper, LAWD will Quisnel and Rue rumple your feathers. And their bedding. 😉 These kids are Modern with a capital M by their predecessor’s standards. I can’t even imagine what Sophronia and her ilk would have to say. Girl! Your rep-u-tation!
Then there’s Percy, that infuriating blighter. There’s academic obsession and there’s plain incompetent, idiotic selfishness. I’m going to be pissed at that jerk for a VERY VERY long time. Only his precious feline Footnote gives him a mark in his favor. I love Footnote and his perfectly PURRRRFECT catishness. Miss Gail understands cats on a deep level, that’s for sure.
Any more that I could say about this book would spoil both Parasol Protectorate and the previous Custard Protocol book, PRUDENCE. That’s the problem with these extended universe series. When they all connect extensive review can leave spoilers all over the place.
So all I will say is don’t read this book without having finished Parasol Protectorate. You need to know about Egypt, Floote, and the Godbreaker plague at the very least. I will say that this has been one of my favorite Parasolverse books thus far, though it is beat out by TIMELESS, and probably CHANGELESS.
What is your favorite Parasolverse series? Share your pick in the comments. I’m still hardcore Parasol Protectorate.
From my shelf to yours,
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