on May 13, 2018
Pages: 196
Guilty of an indiscretion? Time to marry a werewolf.
The monsters left Faith ruined in the eyes of society, so now they’re her only option. Rejected by her family, Faith crosses the Atlantic, looking for a marriage of convenience and revenge.
But things are done differently in London. Werewolves are civilized. At least they pretend to be.
Backward heathens with no culture, Major Channing has never had time for any of them. But there’s something special about Faith. Channing finds himself fighting to prove himself and defend his species. But this werewolf has good reason not to trust human women.
Even if they learn to love, can either of them forgive?
From the New York Times bestselling author of the Parasol Protectorate series comes a stand alone romance set in the same universe. Look out for appearances from favorite characters and the serious consequences of unwarranted geology.
A Note On Chronology
The Claw & Courtship novellas can be read in any order. This book can be enjoyed without having read any of Gail’s other works. Set in the spring of 1895 this story occurs after events chronicled in Romancing the Werewolf.
More? This story is contemporaneous with events at the beginning of Reticence (final Custard Protocol book). Channing is first introduced to readers in the second Parasol Protectorate book, Changeless. He also appears briefly in Romancing the Inventor.
4 Nuts
Well who would have thought I’d like Major Channing? Not me. I’ve always thought him one of Miss Carriger’s least likable supernatural characters. Major Channing is a major ass. However I suppose even the unlikable beast can be tamed by the right person. For Channing, I suppose that’s an American with a “scandalous” past.
This is the 4th and most recent novella attached to the Parasolverse. While more of these novellas are planned, as of the moment of this review HOW TO MARRY A WEREWOLF is the last. I didn’t really expect to like it as much as the other novellas. After all I have tons of issues with Channing and who the fuck is Faith? Boy was I wrong, wrong, wrong.
When I say Faith’s past is scandalous I don’t really mean that by our standards. Or really any standard where the community in question has a heart. Faith’s past is a sad story where she’s much more of a victim of her family’s position than any fault of her own. And she’s not wallowing in that, instead standing up and never putting blame on anyone, even when she rightfully could and should. Only a girl like her would work with Channing Channing of the Chesterfield Channings.
I think one of the most fun parts of this book is Biffy’s reaction to Faith and her relationship with Channing. And for that matter Lyall’s. Biffy’s enthusiasm for the match is hilarious to watch, from his interest in Faith from the beginning to his set up at dinner later on in the story (nothing made me laugh harder in this book than all the pack members shitting on each other, particularly Channing, in order to get him and Faith together).
This book is a lot of fun but also a little deeper and darker into the worst of Parasolverse society problems than some of Carriger’s other books. From what sends Faith to London to Channing’s own past, I’d call both backstories much more tragic than others Carriger has written. It gives these two more minor characters a bit of depth that we don’t always get for “lesser” characters.
I really enjoyed HOW TO MARRY A WEREWOLF, which since it’s about Channing, surprised me. But it really shouldn’t have. After all, Gail Carriger has not disappointed me yet!
Plus, I got some bonus Biffy/Lyall moments!
What’s your favorite Parasolverse novella? Mine is still ROMANCING THE WEREWOLF. Share yours in the comments.
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