Bunnicula Strikes Again by James Howe

October 25, 2018     erinthebooknut     Book review

Bunnicula Strikes Again by James HoweBunnicula Strikes Again! (Bunnicula, #6) by James Howe, Alan Daniel
Published by Atheneum Books for Young Readers on August 7, 2007
Pages: 144


The Monroes' kitchen is littered with the remains of vegetables drained of all color. To Chester it's obvious that Bunnicula, the vampire rabbit, is up to his old tricks.

But Harold is more frightened for Bunnicula than of him. The poor bunny doesn't look too good. Is he sick? Or just unhappy? Or has Chester finally gone too far in his attempt to make the world safe for veggies?

One thing's for sure: Harold isn't going to let anything bad happen to his long-eared pal -- even if it means leaving the comfort of his home, losing his best friend, and risking his own life. And if he fails -- could this be the end of Bunnicula?

3.5 Nuts

Of all the BUNNICULA books this supposedly final (another book came along years later) book in the series is probably the most forgettable. Yes, I know, sad right? But of each of the other books in the series I have very specific memories, moments that made me feel this or that emotion. This book is connected to none of those feelings. It just exists.

This adventure of Harold, Chester, and Howie just sort of wraps up a few things. You meet some old characters again, Chester is up to his old tricks, and Bunnicula is mostly being the boring rabbit he seems to be. Except when he’s not. But it’s nothing we haven’t already seen in CELERY STALKS and is probably the most filler of any of the books. Mostly I just enjoyed the interactions with Felony and Miss Demeanor, as I always do. They’re hilarious.

That’s the thing that save this book from being truly dull. Howe’s humor is always there to save the day and his understanding of the personalities of animals is unparalleled. His cats are very much cats, and the dog absolutely dog like in every way. Each one is different but very much their breeds. And yet oh so human.

Even though I didn’t care as much for this book I was so sad that the series was ending back in the day. Little did I know that another book, BUNNICULA MEETS EDGAR ALLAN CROW, was on the horizon. It was a much better series ender than this. But this is still good for the occasional read when you’re marathoning the whole series.

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