Category: Pet Peeves

Book Pet Peeves #15: Chapter..

Book Pet Peeves #15: Chapter Samplers

Chapter Samplers   I don’t think I know anyone who actually enjoys chapter samplers. At least not any of the bloggers I’ve talked to about it. Must of us find them extremely frustrating and generally useless. So let’s talk about why. Physical chapter samplers are weird. You get a bunch of these little samples, they […]

February 25, 2015

Book Pet Peeves #14: Bad Mov..

Book Pet Peeves #14: Bad Movie Adaptations

When a movie of a book I enjoy comes out I start to get really nervous. I don’t know about you, but I always have this big debate with myself over whether it’s going to be worth it to go see it. For some this discussion only lasts a few seconds. For instance I’ll always […]

November 14, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #13: The Boo..

Book Pet Peeves #13: The Bookstore Peeves

  13. The Bookstore Peeves   I love bookstores but sometimes they do some really irritating things. Whether it’s that they’re not really “book people” (then why are you working in a bookstore) or they have the best intentions, things the workers do can get under your skin. 1. I was in my local Barnes […]

October 31, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #12: The Qui..

Book Pet Peeves #12: The Quickie Ending

#12. The Quickie Ending   Have you ever read a book that was building up to a fantastic ending when all of a sudden it takes a turn that makes you want to cry? Instead of the expected big climax you receive a rushed and unsatisfying one. It’s made even worse if the book has […]

October 17, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #11: Spoiler..

Book Pet Peeves #11: Spoilers

#11: Spoilers   We’ve all been there. Some people just don’t have the common decency to keep their months shut, others are just ignorant of the fact that you may not have read the book yet. Whatever the reason, getting spoiled sucks! When it happens to me I try not to let it ruin my […]

October 10, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #10: Changin..

Book Pet Peeves #10: Changing the Spine

  #10: Changing the Spine   I think most of us have a problem with cover changes but have you ever seen when a publisher changes the spine of a book? You can see it with series such as Anna Carey’s Eve Trilogy or even worse in The Goddess Test Series. At least with the […]

September 10, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #9: Insta-Lo..

Book Pet Peeves #9: Insta-Love

#9 Insta-Love   Oh dear god, here we go. This is a big, controversial pet peeve that is on a lot of people’s list. a lot of people have talked about this before but I have my own points to give on the topic so read on! Authors such as Ann Aguirre argue that insta-love […]

September 1, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #8: Book Bor..

Book Pet Peeves #8: Book Borrowing

#8 Book Borrowing   I think we all have a bit of today’s pet peeve inside us to some extent. On one hand I love sharing my favorite books with people. I want them to experience the same feelings I did when I read a certain book, I want to be able to talk about […]

August 20, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #7: Cracking..

Book Pet Peeves #7: Cracking the Spine

Let’s talk about book care. Do you know someone who bends their books to the point they crack the spine? Or worse, bend the cover of a paperback around the back of the book? It makes me want to cry. So let’s discuss spine cracking. Believe it or not there is a proper way to […]

August 14, 2014

Book Pet Peeves #6: Hardcove..

Book Pet Peeves #6: Hardcover vs Paperback

It’s time for another book pet peeve. Today I want to cover a popular debate, that being the argument between hardcover and paperback books. Hardcover Pros: Hardcovers are sturdier. They don’t get those awful creases in their spines like paperbacks do if you aren’t careful. Hardcovers (for the most part) only come in two sizes, […]

August 7, 2014