Category: Storytime Sunday

Storytime Sunday (On Monday)..

Storytime Sunday (On Monday): The Brothers by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme that shares short stories written by myself and other budding writers. This week’s is late, and one of the last stories I will be posting of my own. It was a character sketch that I really liked and decided to play with a little. I need your stories if […]

December 1, 2014

Storytime Sunday: The Cave b..

Storytime Sunday: The Cave by Me

Storytime Sunday is a meme in which I share stories written by myself and others. Some are edited and others are just practice. If you write short stories, shoot me an email so I can feature them! I’d love to have more writers on here. The Cave: A Setting Sketch   The caved dripped water […]

November 23, 2014

Storytime Sunday: Where Ther..

Storytime Sunday: Where There’s Smoke There’s Fire by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted here at The Book Nut in which I share short stories from both myself and others. Some may be just writing practice: setting and character sketches, mini stories, whatever. Others may be full fledged short stories. If you write and would like a short story featured on the […]

November 16, 2014

Storytime Sunday: Cold Blood..

Storytime Sunday: Cold Blood by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted at The Book Nut that shares stories written by myself and others. If you want your own writing featured my contact info is on the Contact page.   Cold Blood   Tiejens screwed his silencer into place on his sniper rifle and checked his sight. He was ready […]

November 9, 2014

Storytime Sunday: Willy and ..

Storytime Sunday: Willy and James by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly feature hosted at The Book Nut where we share stories written by us, our friends, and anyone else who feels like sharing. Want to have a story featured? Email me at [email protected]. It is open to everyone. Today’s story is actually a character sketch I wrote for a class. Willy […]

November 2, 2014

Storytime Sunday: An Advanc..

Storytime Sunday:  An Advance Apology by Laura

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted on The Book Nut that shares short stories that myself, my friends, and other aspiring writers. If you want to have a story featured shoot me an email. Today’s story is another short-short story from Laura. Enjoy! An Advance Apology   You should know something about me. I […]

October 26, 2014

Storytime Sunday: Wishes Com..

Storytime Sunday: Wishes Come True by Laura

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted here at The Book Nut where we share short stories that myself and others have written. Want your story featured? Email me! Today’s story is written by Laura. Enjoy! Wishes Come True     The word of the day is “shock”. The night before, Mother had told me […]

October 19, 2014

Storytime Sunday: White by M..

Storytime Sunday: White by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme hosted here at The Book Nut in which I share short stories that I’ve used as writing practice. Want to share your own stories? Shoot me an email! Today’s story is another “short short” story. Enjoy! White   Cold. Deep, bone biting cold. The world seemed to swirl and […]

October 12, 2014

Storytime Sunday: Blade̵..

Storytime Sunday: Blade’s Edge by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme here at The Book Nut in which I (and my friend Laura) share the short stories and bits that we’ve written as writing practice. Do you write stories? Want them featured on Storytime Sunday? Shoot me an email, you can find it on the contact page. Today’s story was […]

October 5, 2014

Storytime Sunday: The Painti..

Storytime Sunday: The Painting by Me

Storytime Sunday is a weekly meme here at The Book Nut in which I (and my friend Laura) share some stories that we’ve used as writing practice. The stories may be older or they may be unpolished, keep that in mind as you read them. They are just writing practice. If you would like to […]

September 28, 2014