Category: Tips an Tricks

Tips and Tricks: A “Ho..

Tips and Tricks: A “How To” ARC Reference Guide 

  Hi guys! This is something I’ve wanted to put together for a while. What is “this” you may ask? What is a How To ARC Reference Guide? Well, that’s easy. This guide is a helpful tool for newer bloggers/bookstagramers/booktubers to help them as they grow their following and start to request ARCs. The first […]

January 30, 2016
1 Comment

Tips and Tricks: Care and Re..

Tips and Tricks: Care and Repair for Your Collection

One of my resolutions for 2016 was that I want to bring back some of my favorite features from a while back. The first one I’m going to tackle is my baby, my numero uno favorite: we’re bringing back Tips and Tricks.   Tips and Tricks has two categories to it. First there’s your general […]

January 19, 2016
1 Comment

Requesting ARCs: A Sample Le..

Requesting ARCs: A Sample Letter

Several of you have asked for one of these on the past so I thought I would give you an idea of what I usually say when I send in a request email. Now keep in mind that this is what works for me and what I’m comfortable with. Not everyone’s requests should be exactly […]

October 6, 2015

On a Budget: Bargain Shelf B..

On a Budget: Bargain Shelf Buying

Way back for my 100th post I did a post about all the great places one can bargain shop for books on a budget. Since then it has become our most popular post, earning as many as 400 in a day. So, I decided it was time to do another such post, with all those […]

August 20, 2015

Tips and Tricks: Library Sal..

Tips and Tricks: Library Sales

Library Sales     This is one of my favorite ways to get used books. As far as I know most public libraries have library sales, usually hosted by their own Friends of the Library volunteers. In some cases you may find library sales at university libraries too but it’s not as common. So what […]

July 6, 2015

Tips and Tricks: Foreign Edi..

Tips and Tricks: Foreign Editions

Foreign Editions   Have you ever found a series that you love so much that you want every edition you can find whether you can read it or not? I could name quite a few who feel like that, myself included. But how can you get foreign editions without traveling all over the place? Oh, […]

July 2, 2015

Tips and Tricks: Recognizing..

Tips and Tricks: Recognizing First Editions

Recognizing First Editions   As book lovers, it is common for us to want to collect things. Sometimes we collect ARCs, others may collect foreign editions, and for a few of us it’s first editions. Not all first editions are valuable. In the case of books with a large first printing it may be that […]

June 26, 2015

Tips and Tricks: Repairing Y..

Tips and Tricks: Repairing Your Hardcover’s Spine

Repairing Your Hardcover     Yesterday I had an incident with a book. My order from Book Outlet came damaged, and not just a little bit, a lot. Book Outlet was fabulous. They gave me credit for 110% of what I paid. Unfortunately the book was out of stock so I couldn’t get another one. Looking […]

May 29, 2015

Ex-Library Books: Removing L..

Ex-Library Books: Removing Library Markings and Covers

I buy a lot of used books and they often include ex-library copies. I love going to library sales and buying piles of books for a buck but I also want them to look somewhat uniform on my shelves. Yesterday I was asked about removing dust jacket covers so I figured this would be the […]

November 24, 2014

Removing Odors from Your Boo..

Removing Odors from Your Books

Removing Odors from Your Books   I am a big fan of used books but you never know where they come from. I’ve rescued books that were in house fires, belonged to heavy smokers, or had god knows what spilled on them. The thing about paper is that it soaks up all kinds of smells. […]

October 27, 2014