Sherlock- Page to Screen Rev..

Sherlock- Page to Screen Review

Anyone who knows me knows I love all things British. Their radio, their books, and of course their television. So when Doctor Who showrunner Stephen Moffat and Mark Gatiss started working on their own Sherlock Holmes adaptation they had my attention immediately. Before SHERLOCK I never understood the big deal about Benedict Cumberbatch. He had […]

January 3, 2018

Squee’s Wonderful Big ..

Squee’s Wonderful Big Giant Book of Unspeakable Horrors by Jhonen Vasquez

4 Nuts Ever wondered how a squeamish little dude like Squee survives living so close to Johnny and his maniacal self? Ever wondered why he’s always so scared? Now you don’t have to wonder! This collection gathers up the story of Squee and all his unspeakable non adventures. When compared to Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, […]

January 2, 2018

Shadow Weaver by MarcyKate C..

Shadow Weaver by MarcyKate Connolly

4 Nuts Let’s start off the New Year with something a little different, shall we? It’s a Middle Grade review! I don’t spend a lot of time in the middle grade realm but I do occasionally dabble. I first heard about this book on the Booked All Night podcast when one of the hosts was […]

January 1, 2018
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Best and Worst Books of 2017

Best and Worst Books of 2017

So out of the 90 books I’ve managed to read this year there are both good and bad titles. But mostly the books hovered around the middle average-good range. Today I’d like to talk about the standouts, both in the good and in the bad categories. Strangely I didn’t read a huge number of new […]

December 30, 2017

Page to Screen: Marvel’s R..

Oh my glaciers of frozen polar ice, friends. I’ve been away from hulu for a while, so it caught me by surprise today that Runaways is already up! SPOILERS BELOW This review is only for the first episode. I may post more for the whole season if anyone is interested. It started off promising, but […]

December 27, 2017

The Sleeping Prince by Melin..

The Sleeping Prince by Melinda Salisbury

4 Nuts When I first began to read this book I thought to myself, “oh no, second book syndrome”. New unfamiliar characters, gritty places, and an almost completely different feel to the first book. It’s almost like reading an entirely different first book to the series. It’s a strange feeling. But I push through and I’m […]

December 20, 2017

The Heart Collector by Melin..

The Heart Collector by Melinda Salisbury

4.5 Nuts And I thought I loved Salisbury before… THE SIN EATER’S DAUGHTER was good but THE HEART COLLECTOR is even better. While it’s not a novel, rather a set of 3 short stories explaining the history and tales of the world, it gives exactly the backstory and context to make The Sleeping Prince a […]

December 19, 2017

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac:..

Johnny the Homicidal Maniac: Director’s Cut by Jhonen Vasquez- Comic Review

4.5 Nuts 90’s kids may know the name Jhonen Vasquez as the creator of the strange and screwed up show Invader Zim but he is also the brain behind a couple of comics that are just as strange as they are dark. Fans of IZ episodes like Dark Harvest, or the show in general, will […]

December 18, 2017

Discussion: Religion in YA B..

Discussion: Religion in YA Books

I understand that this can be a bit of a sensitive topic for some people, but I think it’s a good topic for discussion. I am Catholic, and it’s an important part of my life. When I was a teenager, I participated in religion classes at my church, occasionally performed at Mass (Catholic church service), […]

December 17, 2017

Interview with Jason Segel a..

Interview with Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller about OTHERWORLD!

We are so incredibly excited to have authors Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller here at our blog today, talking about their fabulous new release OTHERWORLD!  We loved this amazing, mind bending read so much! Check out our interview with the authors below, and enter to win a hardcover of OTHERWORLD as well! Describe where the […]

December 17, 2017