Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted at Tynga’s Reviews where we share the books we’ve bought, borrowed, or were sent. Holy crap, this is a crazy week you guys!
Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling (Library Sale)
Linger by Maggie Stiefvater (Library Sale)
The Midwife’s Tale by Sam Thomas (Library Sale)
Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey Jay (BookOutlet)
Finnikin of the Rock by Melina Marchetta (BookOutlet)
Sunshine by Robin McKinley (Library Sale)

Redshirts by John Scalzi (The Bookshelf)
Eye of Minds by James Dashner (Trade)
Rule of Thoughts by James Dashner (Trade)
Accidental Highwayman by Ben Tripp (The Bookshelf)
Ranger’s Apprentice #4: Battle For Skandia by John Flanagan (The Bookshelf)
Ranger’s Apprentice #5: The Sorcerer of the North by John Flanagan (The Bookshelf)
Ranger’s Apprentice #7: Erak’s Ransom by John Flanagan (The Bookshelf)
Ranger’s Apprentice #8: The Kings of Clonmel by John Flanagan (The Bookshelf)
I still need books 9-12 in the Ranger’s Apprentice series but we are making progress! Now if only I could ignore that mid series cover change….

Beastly by Alex Flinn (Goodwill)
The Swap by Megan Shull
Viral Nation by Shaunta Grimes
Embrace by Jessica Shirivington (Goodwill)
Both of Me by Jonathan Friesen (Sent by Publisher)

The Selection by Kiera Cass (Trade)
Made for You by Melissa Marr (Trade)
I got through those Selection books unbelievably fast. And a bonus, they got me out of a reading slump!

The Elite by Kiera Cass (B&N)
Reboot by Amy Tintera (BookOutlet)
Extraction by Stephanie Diaz (BookOutlet)
Sherlock Holmes, The Missing Years: Japan by Vasudev Murthy (Publisher)
That’s all I got this week! To make room for all of these new books I have made more available for trade here. I love trading with people so make an offer!
What looks good this week? What did you get? Share/link in the comments.
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That's A LOT OF BOOKS!!! You knpw, I am here with open arms waiting for one of those books *coughs* Selection series *coughs* to come to me 😀 I hope you enjoy your gigantic stack of books.
Here's my STS
Genesis @ GenGen's Book Blog
Yeah, it was quite a week. Thanks!
THAT'S A LOT. I didn't like The Elite because America was so annoying but I hope you liked it though.
bibliophilic madness waiting on wednesday
It was ok. America was driving me crazy. I liked books 1 and 3 better.
Wow that's an amazing haul! I have yet to read Casual Vacancy and it has been sitting on my shelf for forever now. I need to get to it! Btw, Beastly is a movie too, if you didn't know already. 🙂 I hope you enjoy your books!
Check out my STS here! 🙂
I liked Casual Vacancy, just don't expect it to be like Harry Potter at all.
You got a lot of books this week. It's always a good thing when you read a lot of great books to get you out of a reading slump. Enjoy the new books.
Grace @ Books of Love
Yeah, it was a really big week. I'm so glad to be out of the slump.
Is that a hardcover Finnikin of the Rock? I keep meaning to go to our library's booksales, but they are always Saturday mornings. Ugh. The Bookshelf must be your local indie, then? Huge haul!!
No it's one of those oversized paperbacks. Weird, right? An The Bookshelf is a used bookstore, proceeds go to adult literacy groups.
I wish I had thought of getting Finnikin because I just placed an order. Oh well. I am an adult literacy volunteer so two big thumbs up for The Bookshelf. I am going to try and talk my sister into going around to the charity shops to see what we can find. You seem to find some nice ones at Goodwill.
Yeah, theBookshelf is great. The most expensive book there is $3 so prices are good too. Put Finnikin in your cart for next time!
Great haul! The Selection is one of my all time favorites, as is the Wolves of Mercy Falls series. Reboot is one that I've heard pretty great things about though I have yet to read it. Same with James Dashner's Eye of Minds series! I loved his Maze Runner series. I hope you enjoy your books. 🙂
Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian
I really liked Selection 1 and 3, but not so much book 2. I loved Maze Runner too, that's why I wanted Eye of Minds.
So many! I need copies of Finnikin and Quintana! UGH. Mid-series cover changes are the absolute worst thing in the world. At least a couple of publishers are seeing how badly we hate it and are reissuing hardcovers with new covers to match the later books! 😀
I hope you have a great week!
Rachel @ Paper Cuts
Finnikin is really cheap on BookOutlet right now. Gosh, it would be nice if all publishers did that.
I really want to read Finnikin of the Rock, Of Beast and Beauty, Extraction, and Embrace. I really enjoyed Beastly and The Selection.
Yeah, those are the ones I'm the most excited for! 🙂
Awesome haul! Thanks for stopping by The Cover Contessa
Thanks for stopping by!
I need to read Of Beast and Beauty! I loved Princess of Thorns, so it would seem that I need to go backwards 😀 I hope you enjoy all of your new books!
Thanks for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous week 🙂
Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!
I'm so excited for Of Beast and Beauty! I really want to get Princess of Thorns too.
Beast and Beauty sounds good. Hope that you enjoy and have a great week.
Doesn't it? I may drop some of the other stuff I was planning on getting to and read it.
I also received Both of Me! How was The Slecetion trilogy? I am excited to hear your thoughts. Enjoy your books!!
I liked book one, book two was annoying, and book three was decent.
Awesome books you have here! 🙂 And some of them I added on my tbr too. Happy reading and hope you'll enjoy them all.
Wooohoooo! I hope you get to some of the ones on your TBR. 🙂