Month: March 2016

My Bookish Name Story

My Bookish Name Story

This morning I posted a poll on twitter about what I should post today. The option you all chose was “Something Personal” so here’s my something personal. Today I’m going to tell you my bookish name story. I was adopted just after I was born. My adopted parents had all sorts of name ideas until […]

March 8, 2016

YA Review: A Study in Charlo..

YA Review: A Study in Charlotte by Bethany Cavallaro

5 Nuts   Yes that is a 5 nut rating. No I’m not exaggerating. I’m a bit obsessed with anything Sherlock related and this book is not an exception. Now, A Study in Charlotte is NOT a retelling. I cannot stress that enough. It’s not a genderbend, these characters are the descendants of Watson and Holmes, […]

March 7, 2016

Open Call: The Search for a ..

Open Call: The Search for a Co-Blogger

So yesterday I posted that I’m looking for a co-blogger for After Dark. After a bit of thought I decided to set up a form application type deal for prospective co-bloggers to fill out, not just for the After Dark site but also for a potential co-blogging position here. So here’s the deal. You can […]

March 5, 2016

Discussion: Book Ideas

Discussion: Book Ideas

  This one is for those of you who write as well as read. I don’t know about you but I get random book ideas all the time, especially when I sleep. My dreams are full of great ideas. But like most people I have a hard time remembering my dreams. Thus began my idea […]

March 4, 2016