Battlemage by Taran Matharu

July 22, 2017     erinthebooknut     Book review

Battlemage by Taran MatharuThe Battlemage (The Summoner, #3) by Taran Matharu
Published by Feiwel & Friends on May 2nd 2017
Pages: 352

The Wyvern turned, its eyes focused on Fletcher, and he suddenly realized how puny his sword was against the monstrosity before him. He backed away slowly. His knees trembled with exhaustion, barely able to bear his weight. He could hardly stand, let alone run.

Fletcher and his classmates from Vocans Academy—including the elf Sylva and the dwarf Othello—travel through the ether, where they must pursue a mortally dangerous quest to rebuild their world and broker peace.

As he leads a small army of soldiers, Fletcher will face his biggest challenge yet: his nemesis, the albino orc, Khan, who seeks to destroy everything Fletcher loves.

4.5 Nuts

Battlemage, oh Battlemage. How long have I waited for you? So very long. These books never take me very long to read. I think every time I’ve sat down to read one I’ve finished it within the same day or at least close to. Something about them makes them so hard to put down.

I love the characters that Matharu has created. Each one represents a different race, a different part of the world he has created. It’s almost like his own Fellowship, but for a younger audience. With the added bonus of capturing creatures a la Pokemon style. Yup, you have my attention Mr. Matharu.

Not only that but it picks up wonderfully from where we left off at the end of Inquisition, a terrible mean  and cruel cliffhanger if I may say so. I was so mad when he ended that book that way and now I got to see what happened next I was not about to put the book down for anything in the world.

Battlemage explores a different part of Matharu’s world, a part that none of the characters or their races are in any way familiar with. The MC learns so much more about this new world, about himself and his family, and about his own demon as well. He begins to truly come into who he was meant to be, finally in control rather than behind everyone else. No longer confused or making up for who he thought he was, he comes into being content with himself as he embraces his power and identity. I makes me want to fist pump the air over and over with glee.

The biggest surprise for me was actually not so much a part of the book itself but what came after. I discovered that another book was coming. Not only another book, but one with a different character, my favorite character. Needless to say I was ecstatic. I adore this world and all of its people but Arcturus will always be my favorite. Yaaaasssss give me more! More of all!

I recommend this book for middle grade and younger YA readers as well as readers who love all kinds of fantasy or monster collecting (like Pokemon).

Which is your favorite demon? I want a Salamander myself. Share your pick in the comments.

From my shelf to yours,


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